Articles Listings

Displaying 27141 - 27160 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
27141 Des Moines City Councilman Jack Woods says he would like to see a special p 01/25/1975 4:04 Drugs
27142 Des Moines City Councilman L. Gross seeks stiffer penalty for three officer 10/02/1969 1:07 Police
27143 Des Moines city councilman R. La Vine asks probe of Nichols' booklet sancti 12/08/1972 1:01 Drugs
27144 Des Moines City Councilman Robert Scott taken to hospital 04/04/1974 3:06 Government Employees
27145 Des Moines City Councilman Robert Scott, junior, fifty-eight, has heart sur 02/26/1974 1:01 Government Employees
27146 Des Moines City Councilman Robert Scott, junior, said the proposed sign and 01/05/1967 1:05 Road Signs
27147 Des Moines City Councilman Robert Scott, junior, tells the council that you 05/28/1976 3A:1 Juvenile Delinquency
27148 Des Moines City Councilman Tim Urban's city-county plan gets cool Polk Coun 07/03/1974 1:05 County Government
27149 Des Moines City Councilman Wallace Buss seeks lower city raises in salaries 11/13/1974 1:04 Government Employees - Salaries, Allowances, Etc.
27150 Des Moines City Councilman, R. LaVine loses slander suit; he's ordered to p 01/20/1976 1A:5 Justice, Administration of - Local
27151 Des Moines City Councilman, R. Scott, Jr., tenant wins claim 10/11/1974 1:05 Justice, Administration Of
27152 Des Moines city councilmen back plans for an $11.3 million theater and plaz 03/14/1975 1:01 Municipal Improvement
27153 DES MOINES City Councilmen hear 'Uncle Sam' hats are illegal; ask sign stud 10/03/1972 1:06 Advertising
27154 Des Moines city employee files petition to block plans by the city to chang 09/20/1968 15:03 Government Employees
27155 Des Moines City Employee Group rakes proposed cut in pay raises 11/28/1974 21:02 Government Employees - Salaries, Allowances, Etc.
27156 Des Moines city manager Chenoweth turns down city library air conditioning 06/05/1970 1:01 Libraries
27157 Des Moines City Manager Chenoweth turns down city library air conditioning 06/05/1970 1:01 Municipal Improvement
27158 Des Moines City Manager cites municipal fund squeeze 06/27/1970 5:08 Municipal Finance
27159 Des Moines city manager has power to appoint Negro fireman. 04/18/1967 1:05 Discrimination in Employment
27160 Des Moines city manager pay boosted to $37,746, council also grants raises 06/22/1976 1A:6 Public Officers - Salaries, Allowances, Etc.