Articles Listings

Displaying 28421 - 28440 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
28421 Des Moines, Osceola visit set by Senator Edward Kennedy and Senator Hughes, 05/11/1971 7:06 Kennedy, Edward Moore
28422 Des Moines, Osceola visit set by Senator Edward Kennedy and Senator Hughes, 05/11/1971 7:06 Hughes, Harold E.
28423 Des Moines, Sioux City showings of 'Hair' set. 11/11/1971 8:02 Censorship
28424 Des Moines-area League of United Latin American Citizens elects Jesse Mosqu 05/15/1970 3:01 Latin America
28425 Des Moines-area liquor stores deluged by holiday rush. 12/25/1974 28:03:00 Liquor Laws and Regulations -Iowa
28426 Des Moines-based air guard wing is facing uncertain future 06/04/1968 3:01 Iowa--National Guard
28427 Des Moines-based printers' union files suit against a Perry newspaper for p 04/08/1975 8:03 Political Campaigns
28428 Des Moines-based printers' union files suit against a Perry newspaper for p 04/08/1975 8:01 Actions And Defenses
28429 Des Moines-East coast flights dropped 03/29/1970 3L:5 Ozark Air Lines
28430 Des Moines: told: cut river sewage. 10/02/1970 1:08 Water Pollution
28431 Des Moins school board to initiate career education program 06/07/1972 3:02 Education - Iowa
28432 Descrating beauty. 09/08/1974 1B:1 Roads - Iowa
28433 Describe new method of birth control as 'ideal,' London. 03/13/1970 14:04 Contraceptives
28434 Describe role of insurance in family estate planning 11/16/1967 7:06 Insurance
28435 Described as first mass aristocracy. 06/14/1966 10:07 California
28436 Describes United States as 'a society of pill-takers.' 02/15/1970 3L:3 Ray, Robert D.
28437 Description of Des Moines sex education program as outlined by Superintende 01/29/1969 4:03 Sex Instruction
28438 Description of Harvard's plan for Afro-American studies 09/23/1969 2:04 Afro-American Studies
28439 Description of historic touchdown of the moon as seen on television (TV). 07/20/1969 1G:6 Space Flight to the Moon
28440 Description of Iowa project in United States House bill. 10/03/1969 11:01 Water