Articles Listings

Displaying 29561 - 29580 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
29561 Doctor (Dr.) Barbara E. Forker is named to head the newly created departmen 07/25/1974 4:02 College Professors and Instructors - Selection and Appointment
29562 Doctor (Dr.) Benedict M. Ashley cites 'common ground' of Christianity, Marx 11/01/1968 11:02 Religious Conferences
29563 Doctor (Dr.) Benjamin Spock told a peace-rally audience that his attorneys 07/14/1968 6G:1 Military Service, Compulsory
29564 Doctor (Dr.) Bertram S. Brown urges drivers: be lambs, not tigers 03/15/1969 8:02 Automobile Drivers - Study and Teaching
29565 Doctor (Dr.) Blaiberg's heart transplant "messed up" daughter, Jill's, life 08/17/1970 14:04 Blaiberg, Philip
29566 Doctor (Dr.) Blaiberg's special anniversary. 03/12/1969 9:01 Blaiberg, Philip
29567 Doctor (Dr.) blames migrant tot's illness on living conditions. 03/18/1969 3:04 Migrant Labor
29568 Doctor (Dr.) Borlaug gives Nobel lecture. 12/13/1970 3G:1 Borlaug, Norman Ernest
29569 Doctor (Dr.) Borlaug gives Nobel lecture. 12/13/1970 3G:1 Nobel Prizes
29570 Doctor (Dr.) Borlaug on slum dilemma, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 02/08/1972 10:04 Borlaug, Norman Ernest
29571 Doctor (Dr.) Borlaug tells of corn discovery. 01/04/1971 1:01 Corn
29572 Doctor (Dr.) Borlaug tells progress for new type of corn. 01/05/1971 3S:6 Corn
29573 Doctor (Dr.) Borlaug to get honorary degree from Luther College on December 12/13/1970 3G:2 Luther College
29574 Doctor (Dr.) Borlaug to get honorary degree from Luther College. 12/13/1970 3G:2 Borlaug, Norman Ernest
29575 Doctor (Dr.) Borlaug was Cresco mat star. 01/24/1971 4S:2 Borlaug, Norman Ernest
29576 Doctor (Dr.) Bothers says: Marijuana a form of rebellion. 10/22/1967 2W:4 Marihuana
29577 Doctor (Dr.) Bowen elected board member of Carnegie Foundation for the Adva 12/22/1968 3T:7 Bowen, Howard R.
29578 Doctor (Dr.) Bowen submits his resignation as president of University of Io 01/28/1969 1:08 Bowen, Howard R.
29579 Doctor (Dr.) Bowen will speak at West Des Moines Lions Club. 03/31/1968 2L:8 Bowen, Howard R.
29580 Doctor (Dr.) Bowen: militants poison opinion against students. 05/09/1969 1:02 College Students