Articles Listings

Displaying 30701 - 30720 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
30701 Doubts 'gradualism' can stop inflation 07/02/1969 10:04 Inflation
30702 Doubts 'influence of media' 11/17/1971 6:04 Harris, Sydney
30703 Doubts 'Philadelphia plan' legal cure for job bias. 12/29/1969 4:03 Discrimination in Employment
30704 Doubts 'real fans' want University of Iowa - Iowa State University game 09/23/1970 8:03 Football
30705 Doubts 12-month school need in Urbandale 02/08/1972 1:01 School Year - Length
30706 Doubts about Dioxin 08/31/1974 8:01 Herbicides
30707 Doubts about Nixon. 01/20/1974 1B:1 Nixon, Richard Milhous
30708 Doubts about Vinland Map. 04/19/1966 4:01 America - Discovery and Exploration - Maps
30709 Doubts amendment can bar Nixon from pursuit of policy 07/01/1970 1:06 Cooper-Church Amendment
30710 Doubts blacks joining Elks if 'door opened.' 01/16/1970 12:06 Discrimination
30711 Doubts blacks joining Elks if 'doors opened'. 01/16/1970 12:06 Benefit Societies
30712 Doubts Congress will "buy" Nixon's major proposals. 01/26/1971 6:04 Nixon, Richard Milhous
30713 Doubts Cooper-Church Amendment can bar Nixon from pursuit of policy 07/01/1970 2:06 Nixon, Richard Milhous
30714 Doubts demonstrations a passing phenomenon. 11/17/1969 16:04 Dissenters
30715 Doubts election outcome will affect violence 11/03/1970 6:03 Elections
30716 Doubts election outcome will affect violence 11/03/1970 6:03 Violence
30717 Doubts Hanoi considers United States dissent crucial 12/03/1969 12:04 Vietnam
30718 Doubts Hanoi could accept result of free election 06/14/1969 10:03 Vietnam
30719 Doubts he can win nomination on first ballot. 04/23/1968 2:06 Nixon, Richard Milhous
30720 Doubts Humphrey's capacity to lead in troubled times 06/19/1968 6:05 Humphrey, Hubert H.