Articles Listings

Displaying 35361 - 35380 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
35361 Favors action, not talk, on Pueblo--Boys Stater ready to face draft. 01/30/1968 6:03 Pueblo Incident, 1968
35362 Favors aid for local programs 07/13/1970 8:03 Alcoholism
35363 Favors bargaining for agriculture. 05/17/1970 9T:3 Agriculture
35364 Favors bonding of meat packers and dairy plants to guarantee full payment t 01/29/1967 11G:3 National Farmers Organization
35365 Favors California Governor Reagan as Republican candidate for president. 06/02/1968 4L:1 Gross, Harold Royce
35366 Favors choice on use of tax 04/12/1968 8:03 Taxation
35367 Favors combined airmail - First class 02/04/1969 6:05 United States Post Office Department
35368 Favors cut in college time. 11/17/1971 20:02 College Education
35369 Favors cut in college time. 11/17/1971 20:02 Boyd, Willard L.
35370 Favors death penalty 09/10/1970 1:05 Turner, Richard
35371 Favors discipline. 06/25/1970 6:03 Colleges and Universities
35372 Favors electoral college 09/07/1969 11T:2 Electoral College
35373 Favors feeding hungry 07/18/1968 11:01 Hughes, Harold E.
35374 Favors for Bob Ray. 08/27/1974 6:01 Public Officers
35375 Favors for Bob Ray. 08/27/1974 6:01 Ray, Robert D.
35376 Favors keeping Reserve Officers Training Corps on campus 06/23/1969 16:03 United States Reserve Officers Training Corps
35377 Favors labeling to protect consumer. 07/24/1970 4:03 Meat Industry and Trade
35378 Favors legalizing to control drugs 08/16/1970 11T:1 Drugs
35379 Favors more choice in education (parent designed eduction) 11/09/1969 13T:1 Education
35380 Favors more pesticide control. 12/03/1969 12:04 Pesticides