Articles Listings

Displaying 35661 - 35680 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
35661 Federal allocation of $18,000 for Woodbury County food aid 05/04/1971 13:02 Flood Prevention and Control
35662 Federal anti-poverty program unit resists take-over by Black Hawk County Bo 12/18/1970 15:05 Social Welfare
35663 Federal anti-riot law unneeded. 07/08/1967 8:01 Riots
35664 Federal antipoverty program unit resists take-over by Black Hawk County Boa 12/18/1970 15:05 County Government
35665 Federal approval of a $4 million grant to finance Des Moines' third urban r 06/27/1970 3:04 Municipal Improvement
35666 Federal auditors contend Iowa owes United States government $15,205, but no 02/11/1969 11:01 Employment
35667 Federal auditors contend Iowa owes United States government $15,205, but no 02/11/1969 11:01 United States Office of Economic Opportunity
35668 Federal authorities will monitor broadcasts of private shortwave radios in 12/18/1970 13:08 Radio Broadcasting, Short Wave
35669 Federal Auto Products Company of Chicago, Illinois, transfers its operation 04/18/1970 13:05 Industry
35670 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) lauds Iowa air safety record. 01/28/1966 3:05 Aviation
35671 Federal Aviation Administration press ban criticized - air controllers' dis 04/05/1970 7G:1 Air Traffic Control
35672 Federal Aviation Administration press ban criticized - air controllers' dis 04/05/1970 7G:1 Government and the Press
35673 Federal Aviation Administration raps private pilot apathy on weather. 02/15/1970 8T:1 Airplanes, Safety Devices and Measures
35674 Federal Aviation Administration raps private private pilot apathy on weathe 02/15/1970 8T:1 Air Pilots
35675 Federal bail reform legislation approved by Senate. 10/04/1965 16:01 Bail
35676 Federal bail reform. 06/14/1966 6:01 Bail
35677 Federal Building bids to be read. 07/31/1968 7:03 Des Moines, Iowa
35678 Federal Bureau of Invesigations (FBI) agents search for kidnapers of Ottumw 11/22/1969 9:06 Crime and Criminals
35679 Federal Bureau of Investigation 'courtesy' 03/07/1973 8:01 United States Federal Bureau of Investigation
35680 Federal Bureau of Investigation (F. B. I.) on campus? 09/30/1970 6:01 Colleges and Universities