Articles Listings

Displaying 36221 - 36240 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
36221 Few young Iowans have the choice of scholarships offered to Keven Middlebro 06/03/1968 4:06 High School Students
36222 Fewer abortions reported, but Iowa drop doubted. 02/09/1976 1A:5 Abortion
36223 Fewer Americans see Red China threat 09/30/1971 15:02 Gallup Poll
36224 Fewer Americans see Red China threat: Gallup Poll. 09/30/1971 15:02 China (People's Republic)
36225 Fewer Americans see United States victory in Vietnam 09/16/1966 15:01 Gallup Poll
36226 Fewer Americans see United States Victory in Vietnam 09/16/1966 15:01 Vietnam
36227 Fewer beeves on feed in United States; Iowa cutback at 23 percent 07/19/1974 16:06 Agriculture - Iowa
36228 Fewer births, Russia worried. 05/23/1970 4:04 Birth Rate
36229 Fewer books; he rejoices 08/07/1975 6:05 Harris, Sydney
36230 Fewer cattle to feedlots - beef price spiral seen by year-end, Iowa drop of 10/19/1973 1:08 Meat Industry and Trade
36231 Fewer donors, blood bank cuts hospital deliveries. 07/19/1974 4-S:5 Blood Banks
36232 Fewer gas stations stay open 12/09/1973 1A:4 Fuel Supply
36233 Fewer ground troops, more planes 02/11/1972 10:01 Vietnam
36234 Fewer guns as Christmas toys 11/05/1969 8:02 Firearms
36235 Fewer hogs sold in Iowa as National Farmers Organization begins plan. 05/08/1971 8:01 National Farmers Organization
36236 Fewer holidays for the Amish so earlier school closing date justified 05/09/1966 8:01 Amish in Iowa
36237 Fewer in training for priesthood, Vatican City. 02/08/1970 6G:3 Priests
36238 Fewer Iowa farmers are participating in the feed grain program this year 04/01/1966 6:01 Corn
36239 Fewer Iowa farms, higher income 01/01/1969 3S:8 Farms
36240 Fewer Iowa puplis. 01/13/1973 6:01 School Attendance