Articles Listings

Displaying 47201 - 47220 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
47201 Ideal' season to plant corn, Iowa 05/07/1970 22:02 Agriculture - Iowa
47202 Ideas about family size vary greatly by nations 11/13/1968 11:01 Family, Size of
47203 Ideas about family size vary greatly by nations 11/13/1968 11:01 Gallup Poll
47204 Ideas for a Better Iowa committee formed by the Iowa Republican Party inten 04/23/1966 4:01 Voting
47205 Ideas for a Better Iowa committee proposes tax aid for Iowa's cities. 05/12/1966 12:01 Republican Party
47206 Ideas for Iowa in James H. Hilton's North Carolina school study. 01/09/1969 6:04 Public Schools
47207 Ideas of power by a modern machiavellian. 12/31/1969 6:06 Power (Political Science)
47208 Ideas on how to ease load at Polk County jail are told 01/25/1975 6:01 Prisons
47209 Ideas tolerated abroad 10/12/1969 15T:2 Foreign Students
47210 Identify body as Cedar Rapids girl 12/02/1970 7:08 Identification
47211 Identify girl, 16, in Davenport 05/26/1970 3:06 Youth
47212 Identify girl, 16, in Davenport. 05/26/1970 3:06 Juvenile Delinquency
47213 Identify illness striking children as Type A2 flu 12/23/1967 6:07 Influenza
47214 Identify second crash victim, Mount Pleasant. 07/01/1971 3:08 Aviation - Accidents
47215 Idiotic race for overkill 06/05/1970 8:01 United States - Defenses
47216 Idle government funds 09/16/1965 6:01 Investment of Public Funds
47217 Idle Iowa funds earn $4 million 03/04/1967 1:08 State Finance
47218 Idled truck line workers are OKd for jobless pay 06/09/1970 3:05 Strikes
47219 Idled truck line workers are OKd for jobless pay 06/09/1970 3:05 Insurance, Unemployment
47220 IESC rules fired cook entitled to jobless compensation 11/20/1970 21:01 Insurance, Unemployment