Articles Listings

Displaying 48521 - 48540 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
48521 Intolerable welfare law. 07/23/1969 8:01 Aid to Dependent Children
48522 Intoxication detainment is 'Court Policy': Des Moines Police Chief Wendell 09/21/1974 7:02 Alcoholism
48523 Intoxication level set by Iowa Senate. 04/26/1969 4:01 Law - Iowa
48524 Intoxication level set by Iowa Senate. 04/26/1969 4:01 Drinking and Traffic Accidents
48525 Introduce bill for voluntary levy on tax-exempt units 04/04/1973 3:06 Taxation
48526 Introduce bill in House for Voyageurs National Park 07/21/1968 7G:1 National Parks and Reserves - United States
48527 Introduce bill to bond packers 02/05/1969 3S:8 Meat Industry and Trade
48528 Introduce bill to bond packers. 02/05/1969 3S:8 Law - Iowa
48529 Introduce bill to revise Iowa's abortion law. 01/23/1973 1:05 Abortion
48530 Introduce councilman 'recall bill' 03/11/1967 18:03 Municipal Government
48531 Introduce new swine vaccine 03/20/1968 13:02 Swine
48532 Introduce six liquor bills. 01/24/1967 8:03 Liquor Laws and Legislation - Iowa
48533 Introduced legislation to exempt farm truck drivers from regulations propos 05/19/1971 9:03 Culver, John
48534 Introduces anti-smut bill 04/20/1967 6:01 Miller, Jack
48535 Introduces vote-recount reform plan in House 02/02/1966 20:04 Smith, Neal
48536 Introducing new executive director, Ron Hammerle, a Unitarian minister, May 05/21/1971 5:04 Planned Parenthood of Iowa
48537 Introductory transcendental meditation courses are being offered by publicl 09/14/1975 1A:4 Meditation
48538 Intuition--a minority trait 08/31/1973 8:04 Harris, Sydney
48539 Invade church 'sanctuary' to arrest draft evader. 05/23/1968 2:05 Military Service, Compulsory
48540 Invade, ransack President Bowen's office at University of Iowa, smash files 05/09/1969 1:01 Iowa. University, Iowa City