Articles Listings

Displaying 5181 - 5200 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
5181 A 'great' organization? 06/17/1976 16A:1 Labor and Laboring Classes
5182 A 'happening' in Greenwood Park, Des Moines. 04/28/1969 3:02 Rock-'N'-Roll Music
5183 A 'Happening' in the old title works - Garrison's fourth annual festival. 10/14/1973 Picture: 17 Art
5184 A 'Hidden Heroine' gives Girl Scouts a taste of ornithology work. 04/13/1975 3C:1 Bird Study
5185 A 'Little League' in mini-cycling, Waterloo area Cycling
5186 A 'Little League' in mini-cycling, Waterloo area. 11/02/1975 p. 10 Motorcycles
5187 A 'losing' world fight on disease. 04/19/1970 1G:5 Diseases
5188 A 'low key' Christmas for Iowa City's schools. 12/06/1974 1:06 Public Schools
5189 A 'middle road' on United States spending 11/08/1968 1:06 Nixon, Richard Milhous
5190 A 'New Look' as assembly opens January 8, 1973 - remap not an issue this se 01/08/1973 1:03 Apportionment (Election Law)
5191 A 'new look' as assembly opens January 8, 1973--remap not an issue this ses 01/08/1973 1:03 Iowa. General Assembly
5192 A 'new' chautauqua in Iowa. 05/27/1973 3C:1 Chautauquas
5193 A 'no-change' budget 01/25/1967 12:01 Budget - United States
5194 A 'no-fault' divorce law is approved 04/17/1970 4:01 Iowa. General Assembly
5195 A 'no-fault' divorce law is approved by Iowa Legislature 04/17/1970 4:01 Divorce
5196 A 'peace' parade, too 05/07/1967 4L:2 Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames
5197 A 'pot' forest on Iowa State Land. 08/28/1970 1:07 Marihuana
5198 A 'prestige factor' helps Iowan sell pens to world 10/23/1966 14G:1 Sheaffer (W.A.) Pen Company
5199 A 'private detective' bilks Des Moines widow out of $4,200. 08/25/1969 1:02 Stealing
5200 A 'profit' in leather for Martin Nelson - some weeks nearly $300 in take-ho 06/14/1970 3L:2 College Students