Articles Listings

Displaying 53261 - 53280 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
53261 Iowa Senate defeats curbs on 'foreign' election aid. 05/03/1974 3:07 Campaign Funds
53262 Iowa Senate defeats proposal to reconsider a bill intended to upgrade count 03/02/1974 5:08 County Government
53263 Iowa Senate defers talks on tax bill. 05/27/1967 12:01 Property Tax
53264 Iowa Senate defers tax study after debate. 03/25/1970 3:07 Property Tax
53265 Iowa Senate delay on home rule. 05/08/1971 6:01 Cities and Towns
53266 Iowa Senate delays action on reviving death penalty. 02/18/1975 3:05 Capital Punishment
53267 Iowa Senate delays action on school bill 03/01/1974 15:05 Education - Iowa
53268 Iowa Senate delays bill limiting Iowa State Merit System 04/24/1971 10:03 Government Employees
53269 Iowa Senate Democrats argued after one of their leaders votes with the Repu 01/15/1975 9:01 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate
53270 Iowa Senate Democrats at standstill on tax relief bill. 03/30/1976 7B:1 Property Tax
53271 Iowa Senate Democrats block funds for crime commission. 05/16/1973 3:07 Crime and Criminals
53272 Iowa Senate Democrats chose Senator Lee Gaudineer, 38, as Floor Leader 11/24/1970 1:06 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate
53273 Iowa Senate democrats eye income tax rebate 04/20/1973 1:01 Income Tax
53274 Iowa Senate Democrats okay 3-year property tax plan. 04/01/1976 5A:5 Property Tax
53275 Iowa Senate Democrats promise court fight on redistricting. 02/19/1971 12:05 Apportionment (Election Law)
53276 Iowa Senate democrats seek bidding law, crime unit probe 05/08/1973 1:06 State Finance
53277 Iowa Senate Democrats seek bidding law, crime unit probe 05/08/1973 1:06 Iowa. State Crime Commission
53278 Iowa Senate Democrats wrangle over Governor Ray's 'loading' of boards. 05/20/1975 3:01 Public Officers
53279 Iowa Senate Democratss seek tax relief or revision 01/17/1974 18:03 Taxation
53280 Iowa Senate Demos promise court fight on redistricting 02/19/1971 12:05 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate