Articles Listings

Displaying 53861 - 53880 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
53861 Iowa Sheriffs Association rejected a proposal to set up a 300-man emergency 02/09/1968 7:03 Law Enforcement - Iowa
53862 Iowa sheriffs pick officers 11/05/1969 3:04 Police
53863 Iowa sheriffs see weapons for curbing demonstrations. 11/09/1965 8:02 Riots
53864 Iowa sheriffs un-Sealed. 03/14/1976 1B:1 Police
53865 Iowa short of boxcars to handle corn and soybeans. 11/21/1969 15:04 Railroads
53866 Iowa short of boxcars to handle corn and soybeans. 11/21/1969 15:04 Agriculture - Iowa
53867 Iowa short of funds for interstate rest areas. 08/30/1967 8:03 Roads - Iowa
53868 Iowa shortage of canning lids? - Tom Harkin says United States Department o 07/15/1975 9:06 Canning and Preserving
53869 Iowa should join Federal Bureau of Investigation network 04/15/1968 14:01 United States Federal Bureau of Investigation
53870 Iowa should move on air pollution 02/02/1967 6:01 Air Pollution
53871 Iowa should pay its own way 10/30/1971 6:01 Government Employees
53872 Iowa should pay its own way. 10/30/1971 6:01 Water Pollution
53873 Iowa showing makes Jimmy Carter top contender. 01/21/1976 5A:5 Presidential Candidates
53874 Iowa shuns bricklayer training program 07/13/1966 3:01 Vocational Education
53875 Iowa Sierra Club meets October 11, Ramada Inn, Des Moines 10/11/1970 2L:5 Sierra Club
53876 Iowa Sierra Club sees enviornment peril in supersonic transport (SST) 05/26/1970 1:01 Sierra Club
53877 Iowa Sierra Club sees environment peril in Supersonic Jet Transport 05/26/1970 1:01 Environment
53878 Iowa Sierra Club sees environmental peril in supersonic transport plane (SS 05/26/1970 1:01 Airplanes, Supersonic
53879 Iowa signs meat pact. 06/24/1969 1:03 Meat Industry and Trade
53880 Iowa singer captivates nightclubbers in Chicago. 03/23/1971 9:01 Koloc, Bonnie