Articles Listings

Displaying 57301 - 57320 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
57301 Is convinced that President Nixon made a mistake in sending troops into Cam 05/07/1970 9:05 Culver, John
57302 Is critical of University of Northern Iowa professor, Doctor (Dr.) Josef Fo 04/01/1970 5:05 Messerly, Francis
57303 Is early graduation the way to go? 03/11/1973 1E:1 High School Students
57304 Is elected Chairman of National Association of Lieutenant Governors at annu 07/18/1971 8L:3 Jepsen, Roger
57305 Is elected president of the Republican Party's Ninetieth Club. 05/01/1970 2:06 Mayne, Wiley
57306 Is expected to be hospitalized for another week, is allowed visits only fro 08/08/1970 3:03 Ray, Robert D.
57307 Is Farm Bureau really rich? 12/01/1968 1F:1 Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
57308 Is fearful Iowa Universities will decline. 04/11/1970 8:01 Maucker, James W.
57309 Is fighting war for the birds? $600,000 grant by Pentagon to University of 10/08/1969 1:06 Research
57310 Is fighting war for the birds? $600,000 grant by Pentagon to University of 10/08/1969 1:06 Birds
57311 Is fighting war for the birds? $600,000 grant by Pentagon to University of 10/08/1969 1:06 War
57312 Is fraternity life waning? 10/06/1968 1G:4 College Fraternities
57313 Is given a David Pease painting. 02/28/1970 16:07 Art Centers
57314 Is God dead? Ninety-seven percent in United States don't think so. 12/27/1967 1:06 Gallup Poll
57315 Is God dead? Second part of Iowa City discussion. 01/01/1967 1L:1 Religion
57316 Is going to college and is taking many with it - class locations in Burling 02/18/1971 9:01 Project Head Start
57317 Is government too powerful? 06/25/1972 16C:3 United States -- Politics and Government
57318 Is government too powerful? 06/25/1972 16C:3 Iowa Poll
57319 Is granted a license to operate educational radio station KWMR-FM (Frequenc 07/25/1970 8:07 Mount Mercy College
57320 Is greeted with boos at University of California 10/11/1970 4G:2 Hershey, Lewis Blaine