Articles Listings

Displaying 5841 - 5860 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
5841 A gallery of Iowans, by Frank Miller 09/24/1967 13-Dec Iowa
5842 A gambling arrest at fair--cite coupon violations on midway 08/25/1972 1:01 Gambling
5843 A gambling question undecided 07/19/1972 6:01 Gambling
5844 A game is born. 03/14/1971 1L:6 Basketball
5845 A gas rate rise by Iowa-Illinois 09/09/1970 13:08 Gas, Natural
5846 A general court-martial will convene at Kirkland Air Force Base to hear cha 06/13/1968 6:03 Military Service, Compulsory
5847 A generation that has no descendants 04/28/1969 8:06 Youth
5848 A generous gift to University of Iowa 11/12/1971 6:01 Iowa. University, Iowa City
5849 A gentle victory: Dino's greenery graced Iowa's Capitol - Dino Masolini, s 03/09/1975 1A:2 Iowa - Capital and Capitol
5850 A German plan, "Es Gibt Immer Zwei Moglichkeiten," president by Drake Germa 03/30/1971 3:08 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
5851 A gesture from Hanoi? 12/25/1970 14:01 Peace
5852 A gesture from Hanoi? 12/25/1970 14:01 Vietnam
5853 A gift for the governor - ceramic Nativity Scene. 12/20/1969 1:02 Ray, Robert D.
5854 A gift of $5,000 is given to Lansing Swimming Pool Fund from the Northern T 07/05/1970 4-L:5 Swimming Pools
5855 A Gift shrouded in secrecy 11/26/1973 6:01 Income Tax
5856 A girl 'governor' for Iowa today 06/07/1968 14:05 High School Students
5857 A glimmer of light seen at end of Vietnam tunnel 10/29/1968 8:03 Vietnam
5858 A glimpse at secret probe of Merwin Coad, former Iowa congressman. 10/06/1970 1:06 Actions And Defenses
5859 A global water policy. 01/03/1973 4:01 Water Supply
5860 A gloomy pay outlook for teachers, Des Moines 12/22/1971 1:02 Teachers - Salaries