Articles Listings

Displaying 60481 - 60500 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
60481 Lauds immunization drive in Iowa. 11/05/1969 10:03 Measles
60482 Lauds Indiana lawmakers, their legislative session ended 05/16/1967 9:04 Hughes, Harold E.
60483 Lauds Legislature in signing soil saving bill. 05/29/1971 5:06 Ray, Robert D.
60484 Lauds Mezvinsky. 03/31/1970 6:03 Mezvinsky, Edward M.
60485 Lauds probe of loud noise. 06/11/1969 12:03 Nader, Ralph
60486 Lauds probe of loud noise. 06/11/1969 12:03 Rock-'N'-Roll Music
60487 Lauds radical reading ideas of McGuffey. 10/26/1969 12T:6 Reading
60488 Lauds Rathbun project. 08/01/1971 1G:8 Nixon, Richard Milhous
60489 Lauds Viet civic aid by army 11/17/1965 3:07 Hughes, Harold E.
60490 Laugh-filled night with Bill Cosby - KRNT Theater, November 18. 11/19/1970 7:01 Cosby, Bill
60491 Laughing gas tragedy: two dead, girl crippled 07/29/1969 2:04 Gases, Asphyxiating and Poisonous
60492 Laughter angers judge at Harlan. 10/15/1966 1:01 Strikes
60493 Laughter as chief tries to arrest two. 10/19/1969 2L:1 Law Enforcement - Iowa
60494 Laughter was his business. 12/29/1974 1B:1 Benny, Jack
60495 Launch Borlaug fund in Cresco. 03/30/1971 16:01 Borlaug, Norman Ernest
60496 Launch campaign to rehabilitate legislatures; self-improvement seminars 12/26/1965 4G:1 State Legislatures
60497 Launch cockfight probes in Cedar Rapids, Madison County. 03/18/1969 4:07 Cock Fighting
60498 Launch detailed power survey for iowa 11/28/1965 4L:1 Electric Power
60499 Launch drive on drug use in Iowa. 12/10/1969 15:01 Drugs
60500 Launch drive to change state's dog-killing law. 03/23/1972 3:02 Dogs