Articles Listings

Displaying 61961 - 61980 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
61961 Limit farm exports? 06/22/1973 6:01 United States Commerce
61962 Limit industry zone in West Des Moines 06/17/1969 9:08 Zoning
61963 Limit inheritance to $500,000 -- or maybe less. 01/16/1972 6B:5 McGovern, George S.
61964 Limit on Arms. 07/30/1971 16:01 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
61965 Limit on family welfare grants 04/23/1970 16:01 Social Welfare
61966 Limit on family welfare grants. 04/23/1970 16:01 Aid to Dependent Children
61967 Limit on judges' powers 06/13/1966 8:01 Judges
61968 Limit on loans scrubs Des Moines flood project 06/08/1976 3A:1 Flood Prevention and Control
61969 Limit on pay of Iowa educators is proposed, would cut salaries of some, Iow 02/26/1967 1L:5 Teachers - Salaries
61970 Limit on rights marches in Chicago. 08/23/1966 4:01 Civil Rights
61971 Limit on session proposed by Farm Bureau 11/26/1965 8:01 State Legislatures
61972 Limit pact on trucks to a year 10/02/1969 15:01 Trucks
61973 Limit pickets at plant in Madrid. 04/09/1971 5:06 Labor
61974 Limit police advisory unit. 02/27/1969 20:03 Law Enforcement - Iowa
61975 Limit power for pipelines in bill 02/12/1970 7:01 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate
61976 Limit power for pipelines in Iowa Senate bill 02/12/1970 7:01 Industry
61977 Limit power for pipelines in Iowa Senate bill. 02/12/1970 7:01 Property
61978 Limit state leaders to one Guard camp visit 05/13/1971 4:02 Iowa--National Guard
61979 Limitations on local budgets, adopted as part of a property tax package pas 04/14/1976 1A:5 Property Tax
61980 Limitations on local budgets, adopted as part of a property tax package pas 04/14/1976 1A:5 Municipal Finance