Articles Listings

Displaying 62321 - 62340 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
62321 List of average residential electric bills paid in twenty-eight Iowa cities 05/07/1971 5:03 Electric Power
62322 List of awards in Hawkeye Science Fair 04/02/1968 3:06 Science
62323 List of banks and allocated idle funds 07/23/1967 5L:6 Investment of Public Funds
62324 List of bills that passed either the House or the Senate in 1969 01/11/1970 4L:2 Iowa. General Assembly
62325 List of candidates filed to run for major party nomination in the Iowa prim 03/30/1970 5:04 Candidates, Political
62326 List of candidates filed to run for major party nominations in the Iowa pri 03/30/1970 5:04 Primaries
62327 List of candidates for contested major nominations in September 3 Iowa prim 09/03/1968 3:06 Candidates, Political
62328 List of candidates for major offices who are unopposed for nomination in pr 08/01/1972 3:01 Candidates, Political
62329 List of candidates who are campaigning for major offices in Iowa 03/28/1974 9:01 Candidates, Political
62330 List of candidates who have filed for major party nominations in Iowa prima 05/31/1970 8L:1 Candidates, Political
62331 List of candidates who have filed for major party nominations in Iowa prima 05/31/1970 8L:1 Primaries
62332 List of cast members for "Johnny Johnson", North Iowa Area Community Colle 11/01/1970 14T:1 Drama
62333 List of counties and the amount of Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) corn 09/05/1970 10:03 Corn
62334 List of county office nominees selected by Iowa voters in primary elections 09/04/1968 7:06 Candidates, Political
62335 List of credit ratings for each Iowa City, school district and state instit 11/01/1970 5L:7 Credit
62336 List of defeated congressmen who have gotten federal jobs 02/12/1971 1:04 Government Employees
62337 List of delegates for mid-winter conference--includes auxiliary members. 02/21/1971 10G:1 American Legion
62338 List of delegates to GOP National convention. 06/20/1976 6A:2 Republican Party
62339 List of Des Moines area graduates, Drake University. 06/01/1970 13:02 Degrees, Academic
62340 List of Des Moines area graduates, Drake University. 06/01/1970 13:02 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa