Articles Listings

Displaying 65501 - 65520 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
65501 Methodists back resisters of draft, not deserters 06/08/1971 16:02 Church and Social Problems
65502 Methodists back resisters of draft, not deserters. 06/08/1971 16:02 Military Service
65503 Methodists defer action on decrees. 06/14/1969 3:04 Religious Conferences
65504 Methodists disavow tax favors 05/16/1968 8:01 Churches
65505 Methodists disavow tax favors 05/16/1968 8:01 Taxation
65506 Methodists draw parallel between Wallace and Hitler. 10/01/1968 20:02 Presidential Candidates
65507 Methodists draw parallel between Wallace, Hitler. 10/01/1968 20:02 Wallace, George Corley
65508 Methodists in anti-ballistic missle (ABM) telegrams to Congressmen. 06/13/1969 5:06 Religious Conferences
65509 Methodists join labor bias project. 06/12/1969 7:03 Religious Conferences
65510 Methodists lift smoke, drink bans. 05/02/1968 1:07 Religious Conferences
65511 Methodists raise salaries for ministers. 05/17/1968 17:01 Clergy
65512 Methodists refuse to condemn Iowa right-to-work law at meeting in Des Moine 06/15/1967 3:01 Labor Laws and Legislation
65513 Methodists shun censure of publishing house. 05/01/1968 14:04 Discrimination in Employment
65514 Methodists tell three appointments. 10/10/1970 5S:6 Clergy
65515 Methodists vote aid plan 04/25/1970 2:07 Church and Race Problems
65516 Methodists vote blacks $300,000. 05/28/1969 1:08 Church and Race Problems
65517 Methodists' clergy assignments for Iowa ministers. 06/17/1970 4:01 Clergy
65518 Methodists, Catholics in joint summer Sunday school, Farmington. 05/31/1970 1T:2 Religious Cooperation
65519 Metric and then some. 02/26/1974 8:01 Metric System
65520 Metric snag for Iowa map plan told. 10/26/1975 5A:3 Maps