Articles Listings

Displaying 67041 - 67060 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
67041 Most still back Senate Watergate hearings 09/02/1973 7B:4 Watergate Incident, 1972
67042 Most students see sex as individual matter 12/14/1969 1L:6 Sexual Ethics
67043 Most students see sex as individual matter 12/14/1969 1L:6 Iowa College Poll
67044 Most students see sex as individual matter. 12/14/1969 1L:6 College Students
67045 Most teeth can be saved with new treatment 11/23/1975 10E:1 Teeth - Care and Hygiene
67046 Most to finish at Job Center 05/26/1969 3:07 United States Job Corps
67047 Most University of Iowa PhDs find employment. 10/26/1973 7:01 Iowa. University, Iowa City
67048 Most University of Iowa students attending a recent lecture by Angela Davis 03/20/1976 1B:6 Iowa. University, Iowa City
67049 Most University of Iowa students attending a recent lecture by Angela Davis 03/20/1976 1B:6 Davis, Angela
67050 Most useful high school course - English 05/03/1970 1T:6 High Schools - Curriculum
67051 Most were nice kids, says mayor amidst Zap rubble. 05/12/1969 1:03 College Students
67052 Most widely read poet. 11/28/1972 12:01 Mao, Tse-Tung
67053 Most widely read poet. 05/28/1972 12:01 Poetry
67054 Most widows decide NOT to marry again 09/22/1970 9:01 Widows
67055 Most women happy, but "Lib" just beginning: Harris poll. 01/19/1971 1:05 Public Opinion Polls
67056 Most women happy, but "liberation" just beginning: Harris Poll 01/19/1971 1:05 Woman - Equal Rights
67057 Most workers return at Cedar Rapids 09/27/1969 7:06 Strikes
67058 Most would forgive all or half of 1966 tax 06/12/1966 20G:4 Iowa Poll
67059 Most would forgive all or half of 1966 tax 06/12/1966 20G:4 Income Tax
67060 Most would prefer to live in rural area or suburb. 03/21/1972 6:04 City and Country