Articles Listings

Displaying 68481 - 68500 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
68481 National Commission on Product Safety ends two-year study and calls for com 06/24/1970 1:07 Safety Devices and Measures
68482 National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence (NCCPV) cites 11/02/1969 1G:5 Dissenters
68483 National Commission on Violence reports that eruptions of disorders in Amer 01/31/1969 4:06 Violence
68484 National Committee urges legalizing marijuana. 09/08/1970 1:07 Marijuana
68485 National Committeewoman Mary Louise Smith and Iowa delegate Paul Norris lis 08/07/1968 3:07 National Conventions (Political)
68486 National concern is seen on Iowa's DeSoto Refuge dispute. 04/01/1974 3:06 Conservation
68487 National Conference for New Politics claims United States aim is to kill Ne 09/03/1967 1L:3 Political Parties
68488 National Conference for New Politics ends convention, financial angels dese 09/05/1967 1:06 Political Parties
68489 National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ) shifts to race work. 10/08/1968 10:01 Race Problems
68490 National Conference on Black Power votes to form a National Black Party to 09/02/1968 10:05 Political Parties
68491 National Conference on Regional Education Program (NCREP) opposes Parochial 11/01/1970 10T:7 Parochial Schools - Federal Aid
68492 National convention in November, showdown 10/31/1965 13G:1 National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam
68493 National Convention on constitution if 2 or more state legislatures approve 07/10/1967 4:01 Apportionment (Election Law)
68494 National correspondent E. Sevareid views future of President Nixon, Indiano 01/13/1970 3S:5 Nixon, Richard Milhous
68495 National correspondent Sevareid views future of President Nixon, Indianola 01/13/1970 3S:5 Sevareid, Eric
68496 National Council member praises role of Governor 01/26/1966 3:01 Amish in Iowa
68497 National Council of Catholic Bishops issues new appeal to American priests 09/19/1968 10:04 Birth Control
68498 National Council of Churches endorses Mrs. D. Brewer's suggestion that chur 07/24/1969 1:07 Space Flight to the Moon
68499 National Council of Churches endorses Mrs. D.R. Brewer's suggestion that ch 07/24/1969 1:07 Churches
68500 National Council of Churches member praises roll of Governor in Amish dispu 01/26/1966 3:01 Hughes, Harold E.