Articles Listings

Displaying 69081 - 69100 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
69081 Negro family finds Iowa friendlier than Tennessee 12/14/1969 15T:1 Negroes in the United States
69082 Negro GIs suffer sighest war death rate 02/15/1967 9:05 Vietnam
69083 Negro heads will discuss boycott idea 11/30/1967 1S:2 Olympic Games - 1968
69084 Negro hecklers 'aren't human', says Governor Maddox 10/13/1969 1:07 Maddox, Lester G.
69085 Negro hecklers 'aren't human,' says Governor Maddox. 10/13/1969 1:07 Public Schools
69086 Negro hiring ordered for United States job in Des Moines. 04/28/1966 1:04 Discrimination in Employment
69087 Negro History Week 02/16/1968 14:01 Negroes in the United States - History
69088 Negro housing parley in Paris 03/09/1970 12:05 Discrimination in Housing
69089 Negro is named to Black Hawk County draft board. 03/28/1968 12:08 Military Service, Compulsory
69090 Negro job opportunity series set in Des Moines 05/07/1967 6L:1 Negroes in the United States - Employment
69091 Negro joins at Iowa State University. 02/20/1966 2L:1 College Fraternities
69092 Negro leader, Whitney Young, visits Nixon, gives him benefit of doubt 11/16/1968 1:05 Nixon, Richard Milhous
69093 Negro leader, Whitney Young, visits Nixon, gives him benefit of doubt 11/16/1968 1:05 Young, Whitney M., Jr.
69094 Negro leader, Whitney Young, visits Nixon, gives him benefit of doubt. 11/16/1968 1:05 Civil Rights
69095 Negro leaders criticize Des Moines council. 04/17/1967 3:01 Discrimination in Employment
69096 Negro legislator feels guerrilla warfare will break out on the streets of A 10/14/1969 16:02 Bond, Julian
69097 Negro majority in survey hopeful, nonviolent. 03/24/1968 10T:3 Race Problems
69098 Negro man-white girl marriages 'more stable' 09/03/1969 1:03 Intermarriage of races
69099 Negro man-white girl marriages 'more stable'. 09/03/1969 1:03 Marriage
69100 Negro Marines scoff at 'peace' leaflets of Reds 01/06/1968 1:07 United States Marine Corps