Articles Listings

Displaying 7201 - 7220 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
7201 A way to avoid trade war? 03/03/1971 6:01 United States Commerce
7202 A way to peace 12/10/1966 8:01 Vietnam
7203 A way to reduce Aid to Dependent Children. 01/21/1964 4:01 Aid to Dependent Children
7204 A weak case for eavesdropping 03/03/1970 6:01 Wire Tapping
7205 A week in the basement for a cold, sick donkey, Gowrie 02/08/1970 1L:7 Animals
7206 A week on a welfare diet--they got hungry 02/09/1969 8T:3 Social Welfare
7207 A week's wait on job status - 5 Waterloo Water Works employees 12/16/1969 11:03 Labor
7208 A weekend for singles: gaiety and bitterness 05/03/1970 1G:2 Women and Men
7209 A western Iowa college opposed. 12/24/1966 6:07 Colleges and Universities - Iowa
7210 A whiff of the world of elegant dining - it was billed as Derby Night at th 06/23/1974 p. 4 Dinners and Dining
7211 A whirlwind caper by "Mrs. Pollifax." 03/12/1971 3:01 Moving Pictures
7212 A whirlwind romance -- and Tomoko finds Iowa 'grand' 03/08/1970 1W:1 Japanese in Iowa
7213 A white backlash in Maryland. 09/16/1966 8:01 Civil Rights
7214 A White House Federal Communications Commission? 02/09/1972 6:01 United States Federal Communications Commission
7215 A wide variety of Iowa drama. 02/25/1968 2L:5 Drama
7216 A wide-ranging capital improvements program is adopted by Des Moines City C 10/29/1968 1:08 Municipal Improvement
7217 A widened war 05/02/1970 10:01 Nixon, Richard Milhous
7218 A widened war 04/18/1972 12:01 Vietnam
7219 A widened war 05/02/1970 10:01 Vietnam
7220 A widened war. 05/02/1970 10:01 Cambodia