Articles Listings

Displaying 10681 - 10700 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
10681 Appeal Polk County remap ruling. 01/07/1966 11:04 Apportionment (Election Law)
10682 Appeal ruling on interest suit 03/25/1971 18:07 Interest
10683 Appeal ruling on international suit. 03/25/1971 18:07 Actions And Defenses
10684 Appeal ruling on teacher - Mrs. Norma Scheelhaase, forty-one of Moville 11/16/1972 4:04 Teachers
10685 Appeal ruling on using pipes. 12/03/1971 3:08 Water Pollution
10686 Appeal stalls Tama tax case 08/02/1970 8S:7 Actions And Defenses
10687 Appeal suit on Deep River-Millersburg school bond election. 10/30/1969 16:01 Public Schools
10688 Appeal tribunal allows benefits for baker who used wrong pan 04/21/1970 7:07 Iowa. Employment Security Commission
10689 Appeal tribunal allows benefits for baker who used wrong pan 04/21/1970 7:07 Justice, Administration Of
10690 Appeal use of lie detector 01/17/1969 3:08 Iowa. Supreme Court
10691 Appeal water rate ruling, Davenport. 04/08/1971 15:07 Water
10692 Appealing a demotion by Secretary Rusk, he testified behind closed doors bu 03/08/1968 7:03 Otepka, Otto
10693 Appealing criminal convictions of indigents 01/24/1967 4:01 Justice, Administration Of
10694 Appealing criminal convictions of indigents 01/24/1967 4:01 Justice, Administration Of
10695 Appealing for money 09/04/1975 6:01 Social Welfare
10696 Appeals 1-A draft status after returining draft card to board 03/08/1966 7:02 Military Service, Compulsory
10697 Appeals court orders school bias ended, Little Rock, Arkansas. 05/14/1970 10:01 Public Schools - Desegregation
10698 Appeals court plan backed 01/20/1972 7:01 Justice, Administration Of
10699 Appeals decided on clerk's transcript 06/24/1966 6:01 Justice, Administration Of
10700 Appeals fine; says J. P. took evidence on phone, Storm Lake 01/04/1970 3L:3 Justice, Administration Of