Articles Listings

Displaying 11361 - 11380 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
11361 Army Captain Maurice J. O'Brien, of Geneva, Iowa, is appointed Military Jud 01/08/1971 11:06 Judges
11362 Army Captain Riley Leroy Pitts is first Negro to receive nation's highest h 12/11/1968 5:01 Medal of Honor (United States)
11363 Army Captain Robert Olson, 35 08/12/1969 2:04 Vietnam - Iowans Killed
11364 Army Captain Wayne McConkey, 27, Shenandoah Vietnam - Iowans Killed
11365 Army Captain: relieved of duty in racial incident. 02/12/1971 15:03 Military Service
11366 Army Commendation Medal presented to M. Sergeant William J. Hargrave, junio 08/30/1968 11:03 Medals
11367 Army confirms it shipped germ agents by airliner. 06/03/1969 4:07 Chemical and Biological Warfare (C. B. W.)
11368 Army Corporal Curt Patrick Stephenson, 21 08/17/1968 4:06 Vietnam - Iowans Killed
11369 Army Corporal David D. Siegel, 21 09/10/1968 10:08 Vietnam - Iowans Killed
11370 Army Corporal George Johnson Brown, 22 09/10/1968 10:08 Vietnam - Iowans Killed
11371 Army Corporal James LeRoy Miller, 20 01/25/1969 8:06 Vietnam - Iowans Killed
11372 Army Corporal John E. Swanson 05/16/1968 5:03 Vietnam - Iowans Killed
11373 Army Corporal Melvin E. Thompson, 20 11/27/1968 7:05 Vietnam - Iowans Killed
11374 Army Corporal Newton M. Gray, jr 05/24/1968 1:05 Vietnam - Iowans Killed
11375 Army corporal seized in Iowa as Absent With Out Leave. 03/07/1968 13:04 Military Service, Compulsory
11376 Army corruption 09/02/1970 6:01 United States Army
11377 Army corruption 09/02/1970 6:01 Justice, Administration Of
11378 Army Court of Military Review reverses last 12 mutiny verdicts. 07/03/1970 1:01 Military Service
11379 Army Court of Military Review reverses last twelve mutiny verdicts 07/03/1970 1:01 Justice, Administration Of
11380 Army cutback at Rock Island 11/20/1969 12:04 United States Army