Articles Listings

Displaying 12721 - 12740 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
12721 Attorney cites dangers of toy pistol 02/01/1970 1L:7 Toys
12722 Attorney D. Caplan tells the way to beat draft: hire a lawyer 02/09/1971 12:06 Lawyers
12723 Attorney D. Caplan tells the way to beat draft: hire a lawyer. 02/09/1971 12:06 Military Service, Compulsory
12724 Attorney doubts value of evidence in Mark case. 11/22/1975 3A:5 Murder
12725 Attorney examines motives in Johnson County 'gifts' case 04/04/1972 4S:8 Government Employees
12726 Attorney F. Lee Bailey defends news media's right to cover criminal cases 03/22/1969 8:01 Freedom of the Press
12727 Attorney F. Lee Bailey would jail gun-carriers 04/15/1969 3:01 Firearms
12728 Attorney F. W. Tomasek, acting for the Grinnell-Newburg Community School Di 04/19/1975 7:01 Censorship
12729 Attorney fee measure killed in Iowa Senate 04/01/1971 12:04 Legal Services
12730 Attorney fee measure killed in Iowa Senate 04/01/1971 12:04 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate
12731 Attorney Fenton will advise Polk County redistricting. 01/25/1969 16:08 Apportionment (Election Law)
12732 Attorney for Burlington businessman John R. Winegard argues in United State 02/07/1975 7:01 Divorce
12733 Attorney for girl assails Colfax long hair rule 10/28/1969 1:02 Justice, Administration Of
12734 Attorney for girl assails Colfax long hair rule. 10/28/1969 1:02 Clothing and Dress
12735 Attorney for Herbert Oberbreckling charges Iowa's rape law is sexist, Cedar 02/15/1974 9:06 Rape
12736 Attorney for Iowa Civil Liberties Union defends long hair in school 09/02/1970 8:05 Iowa Civil Liberties Union
12737 Attorney for Ossian family who died of carbon monoxide poisoning announced 01/20/1971 16:02 Justice, Administration Of
12738 Attorney for RCA Corporation take steps to repossess certain pieces of equi 10/01/1974 7:07 Television Stations
12739 Attorney for Sheriff D. Clemens assails accusers, calls for dismissal, Polk 08/28/1975 3:05 Campaign Funds
12740 Attorney General and the Amish 12/10/1962 14:01 Amish in Iowa