Articles Listings

Displaying 13081 - 13100 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
13081 Aubrey Lewis, director of student residences, will tell law enforcement age 03/26/1969 3:05 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
13082 Aububon merchants split on night to stay open. 01/11/1970 2T:5 Cities and Towns
13083 Auction contents of University of Northern Iowa's Gilchrist Hall Cornerston 10/08/1972 3B:7 Iowa. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
13084 Auction February 21 at Iowa Statehouse. 02/21/1970 7:08 Auctions
13085 Auction items at Art Center. 12/07/1970 3:05 Des Moines Art Center
13086 Auction today of 'treasure' 11/02/1968 1:03 Treasure Trove
13087 Auctioning off birthrights, London. 01/10/1971 1G:6 Auctions
13088 Auctions big delight for Miss Iowa, Susan Alane Thompson - she will carry I 07/01/1968 13:01 Beauty Contests
13089 Audience - as usual - loves Borge, KRNT Theater, October 8. 10/09/1970 11:01 Pianists
13090 Audience fails to respond to the Association's music, Des Moines 08/16/1970 8L:2 Music
13091 Audience threw no eggs 10/05/1969 1T:2 Iowa - History
13092 Audience with Japanese Emperor 10/23/1965 1:04 Hughes, Harold E.
13093 Audit cites former car dispatcher, Frank E. Johnson, for violation of laws 09/26/1970 1:06 Government Employees
13094 Audit criticizes historical society's use of tax funds 07/08/1971 16:02 Iowa - History
13095 Audit finds Polk County errors 12/18/1974 1:04 Local Finance
13096 Audit of records to start 02/17/1967 4:06 Iowa. State Tax Commission
13097 Audit report on Iowa State University (ISU) body. 12/11/1970 10:06 College Students
13098 Audit report on Iowa State University body 12/11/1970 10:06 Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames
13099 Audit report takes Iowa Liquor Control Commission to task for "inconsistent 02/22/1969 5:03 Taxation
13100 Audit report takes Iowa Liquor Control Commission to task for inconsistent 02/22/1969 5:03 Liquor Laws and Legislation - Iowa