Articles Listings

Displaying 13881 - 13900 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
13881 Barriers for Aid to Dependent Children 11/15/1975 6A:1 Aid to Dependent Children
13882 Barriers to Negro workers, Reed statement 08/01/1967 6:01 Employment
13883 Barriers to Negro workers, Reed statement. 08/01/1967 6:01 Discrimination in Employment
13884 Barring child labor on farms. 06/21/1967 10:01 Migrant Labor
13885 Barring the youth from office 09/25/1972 10:01 Candidates, Political
13886 Barry Heim rejoins wife's campaign - Mrs. Heim is a candidate for the Democ 05/14/1976 18A:2 Candidates, Political
13887 Barry Loos tells of scholarship at Estherville 11/27/1968 1:01 Athletes
13888 Barry Loos tells of scholarship at Estherville. 11/27/1968 1:01 College Students - Aid
13889 Barry McDaniel wins plea for reduced term 04/08/1969 16:02 Justice, Administration Of
13890 Barry Williams will be marshal of a parade in Hinton - annual Bar-B-Q Days, 08/02/1970 2L:7 Festivals
13891 Barry's use of expenses under fire 05/03/1967 1:02 Government Employees
13892 Bars "I Am Curious" movie as obscene. 12/09/1969 13:04 Moving Picture Censorship
13893 Bars adult books from Willard Elementary pupils - Des Moines bookmobile. 03/23/1972 11:07 Censorship
13894 Bars adult books from Willard Elementary pupils--Des Moines bookmobile 03/23/1972 11:07 Libraries and Readers
13895 Bars bail for Weinstein in Green death. 11/16/1967 1:07 College Students
13896 Bars bias on lady court reporters 02/28/1970 7:01 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate
13897 Bars bid to boost idle fund interest 03/17/1966 3:02 State Finance
13898 Bars billboard ads in his gubernatorial bid 02/02/1972 3:05 Jepsen, Roger
13899 Bars boycott aid 03/05/1970 3:01 Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives
13900 Bars field labor if under 12 03/19/1970 3:01 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate