Articles Listings

Displaying 14261 - 14280 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
14261 Believes new state system of selecting district and Supreme Court judges is 10/06/1965 20:03 Hughes, Harold E.
14262 Believes Nixon, Humphrey war stand has the widest public support 10/17/1969 6:04 Nixon, Richard Milhous
14263 Believes Nixon, Humphrey war stand has the widest public support 10/17/1969 6:04 Vietnam
14264 Believes Nixon, Humphrey war stand has the widest public support 10/17/1969 6:04 Humphrey, Hubert H.
14265 Believes phony reasons given 08/01/1970 8:03 Music Festivals
14266 Believes phony reasons given. 08/01/1970 8:03 Rock Festival
14267 Believes politicians blamed unfairly for Watergate mess 12/15/1973 6:04 Harris, Sydney
14268 Believes President Nixon confident as others doubt. 04/08/1971 8:06 Nixon, Richard Milhous
14269 Believes President Nixon holds reins firmly on administration 07/14/1969 12:03 Nixon, Richard Milhous
14270 Believes President Nixon's advisers failed him on Cambodia 05/06/1970 6:04 Nixon, Richard Milhous
14271 Believes President Nixon's advisers failed him on Cambodia. 05/06/1970 6:04 Cambodia
14272 Believes railroads can save nation. 06/30/1970 12:03 Railroads
14273 Believes Students for a Democratic Society threat to country 06/08/1969 9T:1 Students for a Democratic Society
14274 Believes students seeking involvement, not isolation. 12/29/1970 6:03 College Students
14275 Believes subsidies essential for orchestras, Des Moines. 05/15/1971 5:06 Ormandy, Eugene
14276 Believes undeclared war easier without draftees. 02/04/1969 6:04 Military Service, Compulsory
14277 Believes United States Army withdrawal raises Hanoi's hope for Vietnam vict 06/20/1969 10:04 Vietnam
14278 Believes universities deserve defenders. 11/28/1970 6:06 Colleges and Universities - Iowa
14279 Believes vocational-agriculture still needed. 06/10/1970 6:03 Agriculture - Study and Teaching
14280 Believes Warren will rank with Marshall as great chief justice 06/23/1969 16:04 Judges