Articles Listings

Displaying 15321 - 15340 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
15321 Black Hawk County Board charges food stamp fraud. 05/02/1970 8:02 Poverty
15322 Black Hawk County Board has ended county relief where there is an able-bodi 05/23/1965 4L:1 Public Welfare
15323 Black Hawk County Board of Social Welfare judged Waterloo mother "immoral" 06/07/1968 5S:6 Public Welfare
15324 Black Hawk County Board of Social Welfare judged Waterloo mother "immoral" 06/07/1968 5S:6 Aid to Dependent Children
15325 Black Hawk County Board votes 3-2 to oust Volunteers In Service To America 06/17/1972 3:02 Race Problems
15326 Black Hawk County Board votes three to two to oust Volunteers In Service To 06/17/1972 3:02 Volunteers In Service To America
15327 Black Hawk County buys 'beepers' to aid rape victims. 06/29/1976 4A:1 Rape
15328 Black Hawk County buys 'beepers' to aid rape victims. 06/29/1976 4A:1 Crime and Criminals
15329 Black Hawk County Civil Defense Department has put out a bulletin describin 02/02/1969 2T:6 Snowstorms
15330 Black Hawk County Conservation Board proposes development of lake in Tama C 10/24/1965 8L:1 Black Hawk County
15331 Black Hawk County crisis: welfare cost 08/06/1970 13:01 Local Finance
15332 Black Hawk County crisis: welfare cost 08/06/1970 13:01 Social Welfare
15333 Black Hawk County cuts bridge fines on truckers 10/04/1970 1L:7 Justice, Administration Of
15334 Black Hawk County Democrats plan to question legality of election of two Re 01/27/1969 3:02 County Government
15335 Black Hawk County Democrats plan to question legality of election of two Re 01/27/1969 3:02 Elections
15336 Black Hawk County Democrats to play ball with the county's Republicans - pr 07/28/1968 8T:1 Iowa - Politics and Government
15337 Black Hawk County Democrats want to play ball with the county's Republicans 07/28/1968 8T:1 Floods
15338 Black Hawk County District Court awards a Waterloo policeman $30,000 in dam 12/12/1975 12B:2 Justice, Administration Of
15339 Black Hawk County District Court mulls movie injunction bid 10/06/1970 10:05 Justice, Administration Of
15340 Black Hawk County District Court mulls movie injunction bid. 10/06/1970 10:05 Moving Picture Theaters