Articles Listings

Displaying 18521 - 18540 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
18521 Cecil Reed,Des Moines, appointed state chairman of United Nations Associat 06/30/1968 6L:3 United Nations
18522 Cedar County lawmen put an end to pot 'factory', Stanwood. 10/12/1970 4S:5 Marijuana
18523 Cedar County Sheriff Barden considers asking investigation of his office in 03/03/1969 5:01 County Government
18524 Cedar Fall's size to jump. 05/26/1971 11:02 Cities and Towns
18525 Cedar Falls 'popcorn war' ends; everyone happy. 08/04/1968 3L:4 Cedar Falls, Iowa
18526 Cedar Falls 26,016, gain of 4,821 since 1960 10/20/1965 11:03 United States - Census
18527 Cedar Falls arts teacher, D.R. Darrow, honored. 04/11/1969 3:04 Rewards, Prizes, Etc.
18528 Cedar Falls City Council denies request for permission to serve beer in est 08/13/1968 8:03 Beer
18529 Cedar Falls City Council denies requests for permission to serve beer in es 08/13/1968 8:03 Iowa. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
18530 Cedar Falls City Council mulling anti-noise law. 01/26/1972 10:04 Noise
18531 Cedar Falls City Council votes to back freeway. 10/24/1972 8:01 Roads - Iowa
18532 Cedar Falls City Council votes to locate a proposed new $1.5 million recrea 07/10/1973 3:07 Cedar Falls, Iowa
18533 Cedar Falls council acts to put leashes on cats. 10/25/1972 16:07 Cats
18534 Cedar Falls dress code lampooned by students 12/08/1968 2L:3 High School Students
18535 Cedar Falls drivers use red flags for snowdrift danger 01/17/1971 3L:4 Automobiles - Safety Devices and Measures
18536 Cedar Falls expansion plans for Viking Pump. 07/04/1969 11:03 Stock Exchange
18537 Cedar Falls explains plans for Viking Pump 07/04/1969 11:03 Viking Pump Company
18538 Cedar Falls family accepts medal. 01/27/1967 1:01 Medal of Honor (United States)
18539 Cedar Falls family of four found slain, farmhouse deaths puzzle officers. 11/02/1975 1A:1 Murder
18540 Cedar Falls goes to town - Main Street takes a turn for the better. 08/02/1970 Picture: 4 Municipal Improvement