Articles Listings

Displaying 19061 - 19080 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
19061 Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission, Doctor (Dr.) Glenn T. Seaborg, warns 01/31/1969 11:05 Atomic Weapons
19062 Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission, Doctor Glenn T. Seaborg, warns that n 01/31/1969 11:05 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
19063 Chairman of board of United Nations Association of United States of America 12/01/1968 12L:3 United Nations Association of Iowa
19064 Chairman of Cities and Towns committees of Iowa Senate and House split over 03/22/1969 10:06 Cities and Towns
19065 Chairman of Cooperative Study of Post High School Education. 09/30/1965 3:08 Maucker, James W.
19066 Chairman of Department of Transportation Commission opposes longer trucks u 12/05/1974 1:07 Trucks
19067 Chairman of Des Moines County Board of Health assails Iowa laws. 02/25/1968 3L:4 Marihuana
19068 Chairman of Des Moines Low Rent Housing Agency thinks sex habits are of no 02/05/1969 11:01 Housing
19069 Chairman of Iowa chapter of the Sierra Club takes issue with members of Iow 09/15/1974 2A:5 Conservation
19070 Chairman of Iowa House committee writing a medical malpractice bill says he 05/21/1975 12:06 Malpractice
19071 Chairman of Iowa Senate subcommittee doubts action on cable television 04/23/1971 4S:7 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate
19072 Chairman of Iowa Senate subcommittee, Senator Wilson Davis, doubts action o 04/23/1971 4S:7 Television Antennas
19073 Chairman of Iowa Transportation Commission, R. Rigler, says public hearings 07/17/1975 10:07 Roads - Iowa
19074 Chairman of legislative group soft-pedals professors' social role in probe 07/26/1969 1:01 Iowa. General Assembly
19075 Chairman of legislative group soft-pedals professors' social role in probe 07/26/1969 1:01 Iowa. State Board of Regents
19076 Chairman of legistive group soft-pedals professors social role in probe - s 07/26/1969 1:01 College Professors and Instructors
19077 Chairman of Linn county board of supervisors attempts to remove two justice 08/09/1968 3:03 County Government
19078 Chairman of Model Cities Planning Board says "scare campaign" is being wage 09/27/1968 1:01 Des Moines, Iowa
19079 Chairman of Polk County Board of Supervisors says he's given up his campaig 02/14/1969 7:01 Government Employees
19080 Chairman of Public Employment Relations Board defends a board rule that pro 11/24/1975 4A:4 Government Employees