Articles Listings

Displaying 19141 - 19160 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
19141 Challenge to tuition grants. 03/30/1975 1B:1 College Students - Aid
19142 Challenged by poverty director Gilmour 11/02/1965 6:06 Hickenlooper, Bourke B.
19143 Challenges big truck lines on threats to bypass Iowa 10/09/1967 3:02 Trucks
19144 Challenges by G. Milligan are ignored by D. Stanley 05/23/1974 17:01 Candidates, Political
19145 Challenges Central Broadcasting Station: "Let me edit criticism." 03/23/1971 2:04 Agnew, Spiro T.
19146 Challenges election of Johnson County supervisor 12/05/1972 5:01 Government Employees
19147 Challenges law-enforcement character of drugs bill 01/25/1970 4G:1 Hughes, Harold E.
19148 Challenges Lieutenant Governor Jepsen on school spending 12/08/1970 6:03 Jepsen, Roger
19149 Challenges Lieutenant Governor Jepsen on school spending. 12/08/1970 6:03 School Finance
19150 Challenges of change. 01/01/1975 10:01 Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Four
19151 Challenges President Nixon's case for entering Cambodia 07/04/1970 10:04 Nixon, Richard Milhous
19152 Challenges President Nixon's case for entering Cambodia. 07/04/1970 10:04 Cambodia
19153 Challenges students: Balance criticism, giving, Manila. 11/28/1970 1:05 Paul VI, Pope
19154 Challenging government edicts 03/23/1970 12:01 Justice, Administration Of
19155 Chamber acts to end unrest, Waterloo. 06/11/1972 8B:6 Race Problems
19156 Chamber of Commerce bias on areas of Des Moines charged 07/23/1969 3:03 Discrimination in Housing
19157 Chamber of Commerce project for 1968: Bolster law enforcement 12/09/1967 6:03 Des Moines, Iowa
19158 Chamber of Commerce project for 1968: Bolster law enforcement. 12/09/1967 6:03 Law Enforcement - Iowa
19159 Chamber of Commerce urges slash in school budget; asks probe of aides who p 07/26/1966 1:01 Des Moines, Iowa
19160 Chamber's Robert Maddox: Des Moines is no headquaters for hicks 07/08/1973 3C:4 Des Moines, Iowa