Articles Listings

Displaying 19421 - 19440 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
19421 Charges against Iowa State University athlete Richard Mark, 19, will stand 05/08/1975 7:05 Athletes
19422 Charges against three Iowa pastors for disrupting a church service are drop 05/27/1970 3:04 Clergy
19423 Charges against three Iowa pastors for disrupting a church service are drop 05/27/1970 3:04 Justice, Administration Of
19424 Charges are pending against Iowa State Representative T. Ellsworth 05/18/1971 3:04 Legislators, Iowa
19425 Charges baby taken away because mother needs Aid to Dependent Children (ADC 12/09/1970 1:03 Child Custody (Law)
19426 Charges baby taken away because mother needs Aid to Dependent Children. 12/09/1970 1:03 Aid to Dependent Children
19427 Charges bill on control of soil erosion 04/30/1971 3:01 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate
19428 Charges by some Guardsmen forwarded to 5th Army headquarters in Chicago, Il 06/23/1968 2L:3 Iowa--National Guard
19429 Charges China seeks control of India as step to ruling Asia: Doctor (Dr.) B 11/07/1967 3:01 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
19430 Charges China seeks control on India as step to ruling Asia. 11/07/1967 3:01 China (People's Republic)
19431 Charges cities bills 'stifled', House not moving on measures. 06/25/1967 1L:8 Cities and Towns
19432 Charges collusion on bidding for national forest timber 04/08/1971 2:05 Forests and Forestry
19433 Charges Council Bluffs clergymen lack courage. 03/03/1968 5T:5 Civil Rights
19434 Charges court aids criminals. 02/16/1971 6:03 Property
19435 Charges customers will pay for power ads 03/10/1970 3:01 Gannon, William
19436 Charges draft 'unjust'. 09/07/1969 11T:2 Military Service, Compulsory
19437 Charges emotion of war critics blinds reason, 'They want defeat.' 05/20/1970 14:04 Cambodia
19438 Charges emotion of war critics, blinds reason, 'They want defeat' 05/20/1970 14:04 Vietnam
19439 Charges father's funeral mishandled in $80,000 suit. 02/27/1974 4:03 Actions And Defenses
19440 Charges filed after audit at Albia Community School District 04/09/1970 16:08 Embezzlement