Articles Listings

Displaying 19441 - 19460 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
19441 Charges fly after ouster of education director 08/20/1966 16:03 Iowa Men's Reformatory, Anamosa
19442 Charges Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fails to ban bad drugs. 04/27/1970 7:01 Drugs
19443 Charges for 20 at University of Northern Iowa 04/28/1970 20:02 Iowa. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
19444 Charges for 20 at University of Northern Iowa (UNI). 04/28/1970 20:02 College Students
19445 Charges Freeman's policy drives farmers off farms. 12/02/1967 18:04 Agriculture - Iowa
19446 Charges Governor Ray misdirecting State funds 10/19/1970 3:03 Fulton, Robert
19447 Charges Governor Ray with 'budget hoax' 09/02/1970 3:01 Fulton, Robert
19448 Charges illegal action by Judge in Des Moines labor case 11/13/1969 13:02 Justice, Administration Of
19449 Charges Iowa civil rights unit neglecting its job 03/16/1975 2B:1 Iowa Civil Rights Commission
19450 Charges Iowa education aid allocated on political basis 10/15/1971 17:01 Education - Iowa
19451 Charges Iowa threatened by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) i 06/25/1971 8:04 Smith, Neal
19452 Charges Johnson County Board breaks open meeting law. 06/23/1971 15:06 County Government
19453 Charges judicial corruption 12/02/1965 14:01 Hoffa, James R.
19454 Charges Justice Douglas knew of gangster-foundation links. 06/06/1969 8:06 Douglas, William Orville
19455 Charges many are chiseling on personal property tax. 02/18/1968 2T:1 Property Tax
19456 Charges McIntire hypocritical. 10/11/1970 15T:1 McIntire, Carl
19457 Charges military misuses doctors. 11/17/1966 9:02 Physicians
19458 Charges new service tax fails to provide relief for farmers 10/27/1967 4:01 Taxation
19459 Charges of desecrating the American flag filed against Gary Burge, twenty-t 06/04/1970 3:04 Flags - United States
19460 Charges of illegal exhibition of obscene picture filed against the co-owner 02/13/1969 1:02 Art - Exhibitions