Articles Listings

Displaying 19461 - 19480 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
19461 Charges of illegal exhibition of obscene picture filed against the co-owner 02/13/1969 1:02 Immoral Literature and Pictures
19462 Charges of murder and assault are filed against striking Iowa Beef Packers 10/22/1969 1:04 Crime and Criminals
19463 Charges of pollution at Ridgeway. 08/26/1970 3:05 Water Pollution
19464 Charges of secrecy hurled in poverty clash in Grundy County. 05/19/1966 6:01 Poverty
19465 Charges of unfair labor practice have been filed against Armour & Company a 12/05/1967 3:01 Labor Disputes
19466 Charges official snubs Legislature on Foster 04/15/1967 8:02 Trucks
19467 Charges partiality 05/13/1970 6:03 Violence
19468 Charges partiality 05/13/1970 6:03 Hughes, Harold E.
19469 Charges partiality. 05/13/1970 6:03 Miller, Jack
19470 Charges Pentagon guilty of faking combat films 05/23/1970 20:04 Fulbright, James William
19471 Charges Pentagon with policy of 'no-think' 07/25/1969 8:03 United States Defense, Department of
19472 Charges President Nixon with being isolated, poor judgment 03/26/1971 4:02 Hughes, Harold E.
19473 Charges road funds wasted. 01/25/1971 1:03 Roads - Iowa
19474 Charges soon in road death - Ernest R. Wilson 06/19/1969 8:05 Traffic Accidents
19475 Charges state policy on retarded breeds misery, before platform committee 05/19/1966 1:02 Mentally Handicapped Children
19476 Charges state policy on retarded breeds misery, before platform committee. 05/19/1966 1:02 Republican Party
19477 Charges ten individuals and two companies with illegally seeking control. 05/08/1966 9L:1 Greater Iowa Corporation
19478 Charges that Clear Creek School Board violated the state's open meetings la 07/13/1973 3:06 School Boards
19479 Charges that Democratic National Committee censors Democrats who disagree w 04/01/1966 1:03 Culver, John
19480 Charges that Des Moines police allow vices to go unchecked in Model Cities 11/16/1968 9:04 Law Enforcement - Iowa