Articles Listings

Displaying 21841 - 21860 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
21841 Columnist conflicts of interest 11/26/1974 8:01 Journalists
21842 Columnist J. Kraft cites intellectuals for aiding the Presidents - Coe Coll 03/03/1971 7:07 Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
21843 Columnist J. Kraft cites intellectuals for aiding the Presidents--Coe Colle 03/03/1971 7:07 Intellectuals
21844 Combat duty for not saluting. 10/12/1968 10:01 Military Service
21845 Combatting alcoholism in Iowa 07/21/1966 4:01 Alcoholism
21846 Combatting Dutch elm disease 12/20/1965 8:01 Elm - Diseases and Pests
21847 Combatting the brain drain 02/21/1967 6:01 Foreign Students
21848 Combined Christian Ministry of State Center presents a concert by the Conti 06/28/1970 8-T:1 Music
21849 Combined classrooms criticized sharply by two members of Des Moines School 06/24/1968 3:04 Classrooms
21850 Come on! Let's go to the fair 08/10/1975 1E:1 Iowa. State Fair
21851 Come-from-behind winners. 10/12/1968 10:01 Baseball
21852 Comeback for coal? 12/18/1972 10:01 Coal Mines and Mining
21853 Comeback for Peron? 05/10/1972 6:01 Peron, Juan Domingo
21854 Comeback for Sihanouk? 04/29/1970 12:01 Cambodia
21855 Comeback for Sihanouk? 04/29/1970 12:01 Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia (Abdicated, 1955)
21856 Comeback of Horatio Alger. 05/08/1966 pp. 14-15 Alger, Horatio, 1832-1899
21857 Comedian Bob Hope arrives August 24 08/20/1968 3:04 Iowa. State Fair
21858 Comedian Bob Hope grimaces as Donald Moeller, vice-president for academic a 05/10/1976 7A:2 Saint Ambrose College, Davenport, Iowa
21859 Comedian in Nader role aims at insurance firms. 06/16/1969 8:04 Nader, Ralph
21860 Comedian with a message - Dick Gregory digs into issues with humor - Des Mo 10/07/1974 19:03 Gregory, Dick