Articles Listings

Displaying 22001 - 22020 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
22001 Committee is appointed to study liquor bookkeeping 08/12/1970 5:05 Liquor Laws and Legislation -Iowa
22002 Committee leaders side with Isla Vista youth on 'rough, tough' police, Sant 06/15/1970 10:04 Police
22003 Committee members who favor a bill under which city residents might have to 02/05/1967 1L:2 Municipal Government
22004 Committee of Iowa Synod, United Presbyterian Church, hits draft law. 11/22/1971 3:04 Military Service, Compulsory
22005 Committee of Loras Board of Regents will meet with Student Senate to hear s 03/28/1969 5:01 Loras College
22006 Committee of Loras College Board of Regents will meet with Student Senate t 03/28/1969 5:01 College Students
22007 Committee of policemen set, Des Moines 10/23/1969 1:02 Police
22008 Committee of the Iowa House opposes bill to prohibit non-residents from pro 02/14/1973 3:06 Boxing
22009 Committee on National Student Citizenship in Every National Case of Emergen 10/28/1965 9:01 Vietnam
22010 Committee on National Student Citizenship in Every National Case of Emergen 10/28/1965 9:01 Conscience
22011 Committee planned for review of operations of Metropolitan Area Solid Waste 03/07/1975 15:02 Sewage
22012 Committee proposes Iowa loans for pollution control 02/25/1970 3:06 Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives
22013 Committee Public hearing on abortion bill draws crowd 04/03/1970 1:07 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate
22014 Committee recommends that Governor Ray appoint an Iowa Development Commissi 05/02/1969 15:06 Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives
22015 Committee reports there will be no collective bargaining between Iowa's fiv 10/09/1970 14:07 Labor
22016 Committee reports there will be no college bargaining between Iowa's 5 rege 10/09/1970 14:07 Iowa. State Board of Regents
22017 Committee reports there will be no college bargaining between Iowa's five r 10/09/1970 14:07 Colleges and Universities - Iowa
22018 Committee representing Linn County Bar Association will study issues of gua 06/26/1968 6:05 Freedom of the Press
22019 Committee studies shake-up overhaul, etc. Some members listed, though not 11/24/1965 8:05 Iowa. Department of Agriculture
22020 Committee supports bill to cut the time required between elections to chang 02/02/1967 4:01 Municipal Government