Articles Listings

Displaying 23061 - 23080 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
23061 Controls over state spending for welfare will be explored by legislative co 09/19/1969 17:01 State Finance
23062 Controversial Black Power advocate Stokely Carmichael is the center of cont 12/11/1966 4L:6 Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames
23063 Controversial Briney trap gun case hearing before Iowa Supreme Court is del 06/12/1970 16:01 Actions And Defenses
23064 Controversial feticide proposal was approved by the Iowa Senate Judiciary C 02/14/1975 3:04 Abortion
23065 Controversial Harvard Professor refuses to deliver speech at University of 02/26/1972 1:04 Academic Freedom
23066 Controversial Harvard Professor, R. J. Herrnstein, refuses to deliver speec 02/26/1972 1:04 Iowa. University, Iowa City
23067 Controversial housing code passes Des Moines council's second reading 09/03/1969 4:02 Housing
23068 Controversial marina voted for Gull Point. 04/07/1976 1A:4 Conservation
23069 Controversial Okoboji park plan to be heard 08/26/1975 16:07 Iowa -- Parks and Reserves
23070 Controversial philosopher, 97, dies. 02/03/1970 1:02 Russell, Bertrand (3rd Earl)
23071 Controversial Reserve Officers Training Corps units at Tech, North approved 06/05/1974 6:06 United States Reserve Officers Training Corps
23072 Controversial speakers feared in student fee bill in Iowa Senate 05/08/1971 10:02 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate
23073 Controversial speakers feared in student fee bill in Iowa Senate. 05/08/1971 10:02 Colleges and Universities - Iowa
23074 Controversial visitor on Simpson campus in 1929 07/11/1970 10:06 Simpson College
23075 Controversial' author R. Byrne comes back to Dubuque. 07/22/1973 1B:2 Parochial Schools, Catholic
23076 Controversy ahead 01/11/1976 1B:1 Iowa. General Assembly
23077 Controversy at A-plant is reopened. 03/12/1974 11:04 Atomic Power Plants
23078 Controversy at Glenwood over censorship of books 12/05/1969 6:03 Textbooks
23079 Controversy at Glenwood over censorship of books 12/05/1969 6:09 John Birch Society
23080 Controversy at Glenwood over censorship of books. 12/05/1969 6:09 Censorship