Articles Listings

Displaying 23081 - 23100 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
23081 Controversy at Glenwood over censorship of books. 12/05/1969 6:03 Public Schools
23082 Controversy continues, but studs legal again in Iowa November 1, 1974 10/27/1974 2A:3 Tires, Automobile
23083 Controversy ends, money bill is voted, Iowa House compromise on road fund a 06/01/1973 1:05 State Finance
23084 Controversy flares over Polk Sheriff, ex-deputy 12/16/1971 1:02 Government Employees
23085 Controversy on asking religion in next census 08/24/1966 1:03 United States - Census
23086 Controversy on freedom for inmates--halfway house life is issue. 09/20/1971 1:01 Prisoners
23087 Controversy over Alton lock spurs pressure for tax on barge lines 04/30/1976 23A:1 Mississippi River
23088 Controversy over book has hurt her image. 01/31/1967 10:06 Kennedy, Jacqueline L.
23089 Controversy over book has hurt Jacqueline Kennedy's image 01/31/1967 10:06 Gallup Poll
23090 Controversy over Cedar Rapids schooling 02/18/1973 6B:1 Education - Iowa
23091 Controversy over home being built by Councilman Scott has focused attention 03/17/1968 1L:1 Des Moines, Iowa
23092 Controversy over Iowa grade system, comprehensive examinations 01/15/1967 4L:6 Iowa. State Board of Regents
23093 Controversy over Iowa grade system, comprehensive examinations 01/15/1967 4L:6 Iowa. State College, Cedar Falls
23094 Controversy over private pool in park, Winthrop 03/08/1970 1L:7 Swimming Pools
23095 Controversy over rights to Wadena festival property, Dubuque 08/11/1970 10:07 Actions And Defenses
23096 Controversy over tennis lessons told, private instruction on Des Moines cit 07/01/1973 1A:5 Sports
23097 Controversy over whether a Catholic hospital should perform contraceptive s 04/20/1975 6A:1 Sterilization, Sexual
23098 Controversy: Teaching sex education 11/29/1970 2W:3 Sex Instruction
23099 Convention activities 11/17/1965 13:1,5 Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
23100 Convention Bureau defends need for Vets addition, Des Moines. 10/09/1974 3:01 Municipal Improvement