Articles Listings

Displaying 29221 - 29240 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
29221 Disputes Agnew's views on education 04/26/1970 11T:1 Agnew, Spiro T.
29222 Disputes arguments for abortion. 10/12/1970 14:03 Abortion
29223 Disputes critic of moratorium 10/27/1969 6:03 Vietnamese War, 1957 - Protests, Demonstrations, etc, Against
29224 Disputes critic of non-public schools 01/01/1971 6:03 Private Schools
29225 Disputes critic of Reserve Officers Training Corps instructors 05/31/1970 9T:1 United States Reserve Officers Training Corps
29226 Disputes editorial (October 4) on war prisoners. 10/17/1969 6:03 Miller, Jack
29227 Disputes editorial on government sale of corn 10/28/1970 16:03 Smith, Neal
29228 Disputes editorial on riot amendment. 05/08/1969 6:03 Riots
29229 Disputes editorial on tax exemption 12/17/1969 6:03 Taxation
29230 Disputes editorials on war prisoners 10/17/1969 6:03 Vietnamese War, 1957 - Protests, Demonstrations, etc, Against
29231 Disputes Iowa claim on lake 04/20/1967 3:06 Lakes
29232 Disputes Iowa population dip 09/23/1966 16:05 Hughes, Harold E.
29233 Disputes over 'milk money'. 05/24/1974 6:01 Campaign Funds
29234 Disputes over relief for striking veterans--25 in Polk County 03/14/1971 1L:1 Social Welfare
29235 Disputes Reich on sad state of civil liberties. 03/21/1971 12T:6 Civil Rights
29236 Disputes state lake land claim. 01/07/1966 3:01 Land
29237 Disputes Turner, Nichols testimony on bombings 07/27/1970 6:03 Turner, Richard
29238 Disputes Turner, Nichols testimony on bombings 07/27/1970 6:03 Violence
29239 Disputes Turner, Nichols testimony on bombins 07/27/1970 6:03 Police
29240 Disputes Vice-president Agnew on student motivation. 05/21/1970 6:03 Agnew, Spiro T.