Articles Listings

Displaying 29161 - 29180 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
29161 Dismiss wage bias suit in Des Moines. 05/21/1966 1:02 Discrimination in Employment
29162 Dismissal of 'subersive' cases seen - Otto Otepka tells of 15 pending cases 04/29/1970 6:01 Otepka, Otto F.
29163 Dismissal of 'subversive' case seen - Otto Otepka tells of 15 pending cases 04/29/1970 6:01 Official Secrets - Subversive Activities Control Board
29164 Dismissal of a shooting case. 02/18/1968 6T:1 Law - Iowa
29165 Dismissal of charges in National Farmers Organization hog-killing protest o 12/16/1970 4:01 National Farmers Organization
29166 Dismissal of charges in NFO hog-killing protest over-ruled -- Iowa Supreme 12/16/1970 4:01 Justice, Administration Of
29167 Dismissed from Iowa Highway patrol; Felix Castillo vows appeal. 02/14/1976 5A:6 Police
29168 Disneyland ride failure strands Indiana players. 12/23/1967 1S:3 Disneyland
29169 Disobedience by Army 06/23/1975 6:01 Privacy, Right of
29170 Disorder persists on major college campuses - from Stanford to Queens Colle 04/17/1969 22:02 Colleges and Universities
29171 Disorder reigns when television network visits Legislature 05/10/1971 5:01 Television in Politics
29172 Disorder reigns when Television network visits Legislature 05/10/1971 5:01 Iowa. General Assembly
29173 Disorders close four schools, Houma, Iowa. 09/22/1970 6:06 Public Schools
29174 Dispatched army of 1,000 to put down Negro demonstration 01/29/1966 14:08 Ku Klux Klan
29175 Dispatcher for Polk County sheriff's department quits, claims he was told t 06/21/1972 1:02 Police
29176 Dispense free rat poison to citizens at Sheldon. 04/18/1971 9L:1 Rats
29177 Disperse Argentine workers, students. 04/24/1970 6S:8 College Students
29178 Disperse students by using tear gas, Ceylon. 11/23/1970 17:05 College Students
29179 Displaced persons of divorce - There were 9,151 divorces in Iowa in 1973. 05/25/1975 1E:1 Divorce
29180 Display children's art February 15 through February 25 02/15/1971 7:08 Iowa. State Hospital - School, Woodward