Articles Listings

Displaying 28941 - 28960 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
28941 Disagreement on treatment of Iowa waste. 04/17/1969 14:04 Water Pollution
28942 Disagreements about the cost of eating is explained 01/11/1970 42A:1 Food
28943 Disagrees with editorial on Pollution Control. 09/21/1969 11T:2 Water Pollution
28944 Disagrees with judge. 06/09/1969 10:03 Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa
28945 Disagrees with judge. 06/09/1969 10:03 College Students
28946 Disagrees with Senator Robert Kennedy's charge that President Johnson is re 03/23/1968 1:05 Smith, Neal
28947 Disagrees with suggestion to transfer state schools for boys and girls to B 10/07/1965 20:06 Hughes, Harold E.
28948 Disappearing dormitories. 12/02/1967 10:07 College Students
28949 Disappointed by Scherle reaction. 11/05/1969 10:03 College Professors and Instructors
28950 Disappointed by Scherle reaction. 11/05/1969 10:03 Scherle, William
28951 Disappointed with Iowa civil defense program, delays reappointing director 01/06/1966 5:08 Hughes, Harold E.
28952 Disappointing tax action. 04/04/1976 1B:1 Property Tax
28953 Disappointing truce 12/28/1965 4:01 Vietnam
28954 Disappointment over salaries and restrictions caused by lack of funds are l 05/22/1968 11:01 Teachers Unions
28955 Disappointment over salaries and restrictions caused by lack of funds are l 05/22/1968 11:01 Iowa. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
28956 Disapproval of violent social protest is voiced by Justice Fortas 07/19/1968 2:04 Violence
28957 Disarmament talks resume. 03/20/1969 16:01 Disarmament
28958 Disarmament talks resume. 03/20/1969 16:01 Guided Missiles - Defenses
28959 Disarming police --- and criminals. 03/02/1968 4:01 Crime and Criminals
28960 Disarray in the Philippines. 01/11/1973 6:01 Philippines