Articles Listings

Displaying 28861 - 28880 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
28861 Director of League of Iowa Municipal, R.E. Hays, sees legislators resisting 09/19/1970 10:01 Legislators, Iowa
28862 Director of League of Iowa Municipalities, R.E. Hays, sees legislators resi 09/19/1970 10:01 School Finance
28863 Director of legal services to poor in Black Hawk County tells way to cut we 09/14/1967 9:04 Birth Control
28864 Director of legal services to poor in Black Hawk County tells ways to cut w 09/14/1967 9:04 Poverty
28865 Director of National Highway Safety Bureau backs down on seat belt safety d 05/21/1970 1:07 Automobiles - Safety Devices and Measures
28866 Director of nursing supervises 1,200 at University Hospitals. 03/07/1976 2E:4 Nurses and Nursing
28867 Director of physical education for Des Moines schools suggested that weight 12/20/1967 3:05 School Athletics
28868 Director of public events retires - Leonard W. McGuire 12/27/1970 3L:7 Des Moines Register and Tribune
28869 Director of the Polk County Department of Program Evaluation says there are 06/24/1975 3:02 Justice, Administration Of
28870 Director of the University of Iowa's School of Religion questions church vi 03/12/1967 1L:3 Churches
28871 Director of the world-famous Passion Play report that hundreds of tickets a 06/04/1970 3:01 Oberammergau Passion Play
28872 Director of the world-famous Passion Play reports that hundreds of tickets 06/04/1970 3:01 Anti-Semitism
28873 Director of Veteran Affairs, D. Johnson, cites respect need for Army--Iowa 05/31/1971 6:06 Iowa Wesleyan College, Mt. Pleasant
28874 Director R. Gallagher asks fair trial of wine sales 03/08/1972 4:08 Wine
28875 Director R. Hays sees legislators resisting more city-county-school aid. 09/19/1970 10:01 League of Iowa Municipalities
28876 Director R. Leet changes image of Mason City MacNider Museum 08/27/1972 2B:3 Art - Galleries and Museums
28877 Director Tarr seeks to reduce draft questions. 05/26/1970 8:02 Military Service, Compulsory
28878 Director tells aim in rights enforcement 02/17/1966 10:04 Iowa Civil Rights Commission
28879 Director Victor Preisser sees 40 layoffs by Department of Transportation - 09/24/1975 12A:1 Government Employees
28880 Director welcomes criticism of Governor. 12/01/1965 15:06 Poverty