Articles Listings

Displaying 28701 - 28720 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
28701 Did Des Moines firemen violate union clause? 09/17/1967 1L:2 Firemen
28702 Did he say Lenin? 04/09/1970 6:01 Lenin, Vladimir Ilich
28703 Did her childhood end here -- at the burial of a dog? 11/26/1967 3T:4 Dogs
28704 Did Norsemen dock in Iowa? 'Mooring stone' found near Rolfe. 12/01/1968 1T:8 Rolfe, Iowa
28705 Did Norsemen dock in Iowa? - 'Mooring stone' found near Rolfe. 12/01/1968 1T:8 Northmen
28706 Did not need Yanks in Cambodia 07/11/1970 2:08 Smith, Neal
28707 Did oil firms 'buy' professors? 05/03/1969 6:04 College Professors and Instructors
28708 Did polluted air cause airliner pilot to crash? 08/17/1968 1:06 Air Pollution
28709 Did polluted air cause airliner pilot to crash? 08/17/1968 1:06 Aviation - Accidents
28710 Did ponies from China start the flu epidemic 12/20/1968 5:01 Influenza
28711 Did Romeo really go for that you Capulet babe? Romantic love? "Bah, humbug, 04/11/1971 Picture: 14 Authors
28712 Did Thurmond use trickery? 08/22/1969 6:01 United States -- Politics and Government
28713 Did Thurmond use trickery? 08/22/1969 6:01 United States Supreme Court
28714 Did Tolstoi live in vain? 08/05/1973 8C:4 Harris, Sydney
28715 Did U Thant say Lenin? 04/09/1970 6:01 United Nations
28716 Did United States spur Chilean coup? 03/01/1974 16:01 Chile
28717 Didn't get $2,500 from dairy lobby group. 02/13/1972 3A:7 Gross, Harold Royce
28718 Didn't have ships to aid Pueblo, Rear Admiral Frank L. Johnson testifies. 01/30/1969 1:05 Pueblo Incident, 1968
28719 Didn't read child classics 03/21/1973 6:04 Harris, Sydney
28720 Die-hard effort on trucks 04/06/1974 8:01 Trucks