Articles Listings

Displaying 28821 - 28840 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
28821 Directions for obtaining a guide to scholarships available from American Le 02/01/1970 5T:1 Scholarships and Fellowships
28822 Directive on crime funds confuses Iowa officials 10/25/1972 7S:1 Crime and Criminals
28823 Directives on Cedar Rapids pollution. 10/20/1970 3S:6 Water Pollution
28824 Director Bob Elgin says 4,900 persons turned out for "Adventure Time at the 08/05/1968 14:04 Zoological Gardens
28825 Director cites illegeal drug sales by Mid-Iowa Drug Abuse Council (MIDAC) c 12/04/1973 1:07 Drugs
28826 Director D. Briggs trims home valuation increase in 3 more counties. 09/17/1971 11:05 Property Tax
28827 Director D. Smith asks more funds for Cedar Rapids Library. 10/15/1969 7:04 Libraries
28828 Director defends camp 01/11/1966 16:02 United States Job Corps
28829 Director G. Sweitzer rips condemnation units over "high" land prices 08/05/1970 3:06 Land Values
28830 Director G. Sweitzer rips condemnation units over 'high' land prices 08/05/1970 3:06 Iowa. Highway Commission
28831 Director G. W. Orr of Iowa Crime Commission, asks "hard-nosed" laws to curb 07/25/1970 16:03 Iowa. State Crime Commission
28832 Director George Orr: wait on fund switch 04/11/1972 10:08 Iowa. State Crime Commission
28833 Director Gilmour challenges Hickenlooper. 11/02/1965 6:06 Poverty
28834 Director Hershey says he will not notify local draft boards that a federal 06/15/1969 5G:6 Military Service, Compulsory
28835 Director Hershey says he will not notify local draft boards that a federal 06/15/1969 5G:6 Hershey, Lewis Blaine
28836 Director Hershey: I'll aid legal protestors. 04/03/1969 10:02 Military Service, Compulsory
28837 Director Hoover denies campus Federal Bureau of Investigation assignments 11/26/1970 19:07 United States Federal Bureau of Investigation
28838 Director Hoover denies Federal Bureau of Investigation (F. B. I.) plans cam 12/01/1970 4:08 Colleges and Universities
28839 Director Hoover denies Federal Bureau of Investigation plans campus agents 12/01/1970 4:08 United States Federal Bureau of Investigation
28840 Director Howell deplores cost of job study 03/05/1968 5:04 Iowa. Merit Employment Commission