Articles Listings

Displaying 3541 - 3560 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
3541 240 pursue own interests in 'free university' 02/10/1968 8:06 Iowa. University, Iowa City
3542 240 pursue own interests in University of Iowa 'free university' 02/10/1968 8:06 Free University
3543 243 graduate in Guard rite 06/23/1968 4L:1 Iowa--National Guard
3544 243 protests on new tax appraisals, Des Moines. 10/10/1972 1:06 Property Tax
3545 245 graduates. 01/10/1971 2T:8 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
3546 25 Aid to Dependent Children mothers train as nurses' aides, United States 04/07/1966 3:06 Aid to Dependent Children
3547 25 are named Cyclone aides 03/21/1971 4T:4 Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames
3548 25 Des Moines police officers affected by hairy issue 03/05/1970 3:02 Police
3549 25 in Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) rush placement office - Unive 12/11/1969 1:07 College Students
3550 25 in Students for a Democratic Society rush placement office - University 12/11/1969 1:07 Iowa. University, Iowa City
3551 25 Iowa businessmen on trade trip to Europe. 05/31/1970 10T:1 Business Men
3552 25 Iowa farmers organize Iowa Simmental Cattle Association. 04/15/1970 14:04 Cattle
3553 25 member resign apparently because of ouster of Conductor Robert Gutter an 03/06/1969 1:04 Des Moines Symphony Orchestra
3554 25 percent of 291 United States senators and congressmen polled by Washingt 10/22/1969 7:08 Public Opinion Polls
3555 25 percent of 291 United States senators and congressmen polled by Washingt 10/22/1969 7:08 Nixon, Richard Milhous
3556 25 percent of 291 United States senators and congressmen polled by Washingt 10/22/1969 7:08 Congressmen
3557 25 percent University of Iowa engineer rise. 11/08/1973 22:04 Iowa. University, Iowa City
3558 25 scholarly books, published in 1967 and selected for excellence, will go 03/02/1969 2T:4 Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames
3559 25 Simpson students end coed living experiment. 01/31/1971 1L:4 College Students
3560 25 University of Iowa students form a chapter of Zero Population Growth, In 05/03/1970 5L:3 Population