Articles Listings

Displaying 3721 - 3740 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
3721 3 Governor candidates tell views on minority hiring. 10/25/1970 4L:6 Discrimination in Employment
3722 3 Grinnell professors named to professorial chairs: Howard R. Burkle, Kenne 12/27/1970 4T:1 College Professors and Instructors
3723 3 groups urged to qualify for Medicare 12/02/1965 3:05 Insurance, Health
3724 3 gunmen rob 26 on Omaha to Chicago Greyhound bus. 12/09/1968 1:08 Crime and Criminals
3725 3 in 5 trust Nixon on Vietnam, but 3 in 10 are undecided 04/10/1969 10:01 Nixon, Richard Milhous
3726 3 in 5 trust Nixon on Vietnam, but 3 in 10 are undecided 04/10/1969 10:01 Vietnam
3727 3 in GOP, at odds with Governor Ray, urge 2-term limit. 02/03/1973 10:01 Public Officers
3728 3 in House ask Iowa DDT ban 01/16/1970 3:03 Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives
3729 3 in Iowa governor's race air county consolidations. 09/27/1970 3L:2 County Government
3730 3 in National Organization of Women strike lose Davenport, Iowa cafe jobs 11/01/1975 15A:1 Woman - Employment - Equal Rights
3731 3 in rock band charged with violating noise law, Des Moines 07/14/1971 1:02 Actions And Defenses
3732 3 injured, 17 arrested in Des Moines. 07/17/1967 1:7+ Riots
3733 3 inmates spend November 11 at Grinnell College discussing prison life with 11/08/1970 5L:7 Prisoners
3734 3 international political personalities speak: Andreas Papandreou, February 02/07/1971 8L:2 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
3735 3 Iowa buildings named United States historic landmarks - The Old Capitol i 01/20/1976 3A:2 National Historic Landmarks - Iowa
3736 3 Iowa college students will compete March 15 in district auditions conduct 03/05/1969 3:07 Music
3737 3 Iowa housewives hired as job experts, form Task Force for Women 09/19/1965 1L:6+ Iowa. State Manpower Development Council
3738 3 Iowa Marines, killed in action in Vietnam in 1967 are posthumously honore 02/10/1969 14:03 Medals
3739 3 Iowa meat plants okayed. 08/05/1969 8:01 Meat Industry and Trade
3740 3 Iowa papers given awards 02/24/1970 4:08 Newspapers