Articles Listings

Displaying 36661 - 36680 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
36661 Find 'convulsion' drugs cut DDT levels in body. 07/30/1969 12:04 Pesticides
36662 Find 'marijuana' is mint in Cedar Rapids. 12/19/1968 1:02 Marihuana
36663 Find 'no cause' in Cedar Rapids bias case. 05/20/1971 4S:8 Civil Rights
36664 Find 'pot' near Iowa State University campus. 02/03/1968 16:02 Marijuana
36665 Find 'schoolboy crush' is not a thing of past 11/27/1969 1:03 Students
36666 Find 'schoolboy crush' is not a thing of past 11/27/1969 1:03 Teachers
36667 Find 10% of girls who quit school in Des Moines are pregnant. 05/04/1966 1:02 Public Schools
36668 Find 12 persons in 100 link drinking, family problems. 02/25/1966 2:07 Liquor Problem
36669 Find 14 G.I.s 'guilty' for jail protest. 06/07/1969 1:02 Military Service
36670 Find 2 types of flu in one school 02/14/1969 3S:7 Influenza
36671 Find 2,4-D in Iowa popcorn. 10/20/1965 1:02 Pesticides
36672 Find 20 percent of uninspected poultry unwholesome. 02/20/1968 18:06 Poultry
36673 Find 21 buses violate law on pollution. 02/13/1973 1:01 Air Pollution
36674 Find 24 diverted acres used at Wadena Festival. 08/13/1970 3:01 Agriculture
36675 Find 24 diverted acres used at Wadena Festival. 08/13/1970 3:01 Music Festivals
36676 Find 34 percent of whites object to Negroes as neighbors 07/29/1966 12:02 Discrimination in Housing
36677 Find 4 mercury flasks in wreck of steamboat Bertrand. 07/15/1969 3:02 Boats and Boating
36678 Find 40 percent favor letting woman decide abortion. 11/30/1969 3G:1 Abortion
36679 Find 43% of Democrats leaders shun Johnson 12/27/1966 5:01 Johnson, Lyndon B.
36680 Find 5 guilty at Iowa City--"blockage-for-peace" attempt 05/19/1972 10:01 Justice, Administration Of