Articles Listings

Displaying 36681 - 36700 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
36681 Find 5 Iowans innocent of illegal gambling business 09/23/1972 10:04 Justice, Administration Of
36682 Find 50 percent think President Nixon involved in Watergate 05/04/1973 1:03 Watergate Incident, 1972
36683 Find 52 percent of students endorse neither party. 12/14/1969 5L:1 Political Parties
36684 Find 52 percent of students endorse neither party. 12/14/1969 5L:1 College Students
36685 Find 58 percent of women fear going out alone at night 04/23/1972 6A:1 Women
36686 Find 59% favor staged withdrawal from Vietnam 06/08/1969 3G:1 Vietnam
36687 Find 66% approve of way he does job, cite greatest achievements 11/06/1965 14:03 Johnson, Lyndon B.
36688 Find 67 percent for life terms, no paroles to drug sellers 02/11/1973 6A:1 Drugs
36689 Find aflatoxin in only 2 of 16 corn samples from South West Iowa. 10/23/1975 7A:2 Corn
36690 Find aflatoxin in only 2 of 16 corn samples from Southwest Iowa. 10/23/1975 7A:2 Agriculture - Iowa
36691 Find agencies ignore public in decisions. 04/05/1970 1G:1 Poverty
36692 Find agricultural wastes not yet a pollution problem. 12/04/1966 1F:1+ Water Pollution
36693 Find alarming rise in tuition at state colleges across United States. 07/06/1971 18:02 College Education, Cost of
36694 Find Americans continue strong support of United Nations 08/06/1967 8G:4 United Nations
36695 Find Americans continue strong support of United Nations 08/06/1967 8G:4 Gallup Poll
36696 Find Americans fear, respect two Red powers; Survey of attitudes toward Ger 06/26/1966 5G:3 Gallup Poll
36697 Find Americans feel United Nations is best hope for peace 10/22/1970 1:01 Gallup Poll
36698 Find Americans generally favor anti-poverty plan 05/06/1966 2:06 Gallup Poll
36699 Find Americans generally favor anti-poverty plan. 05/06/1966 2:06 Poverty
36700 Find ammunition (ammo) in Simpson fraternity house 06/19/1969 3:06 Simpson College