Articles Listings

Displaying 41241 - 41260 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
41241 GOP favored for two key problems. 10/23/1966 18G:3 Political Parties
41242 GOP gains reported in Iowa called pure illusion. 09/25/1966 1:02 Candidates, Political
41243 GOP gains reported in Iowa called pure illusion. 09/25/1966 1:02 Political Parties
41244 GOP girds to reinstate drug curbs at festivals 01/20/1971 3:02 Iowa. General Assembly
41245 GOP girds to reinstate drug curbs at festivals. 01/20/1971 3:02 Music Festivals
41246 GOP gives Democrats equal voice on reapportionment. 01/21/1969 20:06 Apportionment (Election Law)
41247 GOP governor candidates give views on abortion law 08/29/1968 8:01 Abortion
41248 GOP governors reject impeachment timetable -- Midwestern Governors' Confer 07/31/1974 10:07 Impeachments
41249 GOP hoping for a gain of 3 United States Senate seats. 11/01/1970 1G:8 Political Campaigns
41250 GOP horse race. 05/06/1976 16A:1 Presidential Candidates
41251 GOP House campaign by 2 Cedar Rapids men - Cole McMartin, 55, and A. James 05/29/1970 6:07 Candidates, Political
41252 GOP leader, Senator G. Allott, tells Ky not to intrude in United States pol 09/18/1970 11:02 Nguyen Cao Ky
41253 GOP leaders cool to new Ray plea on Iowa income tax rise 03/12/1971 4:05 Income Tax
41254 GOP leaders reject opinion by Attorney General Turner on redistricting. 02/18/1971 3:05 Apportionment (Election Law)
41255 GOP liberals fail in delegate rules fight, Miami Beach 08/22/1972 1:07 National Conventions (Political)
41256 GOP maintains lead as peace party--27% to 24%. 10/07/1966 3S:7 Political Parties
41257 GOP may keep Iowa sales tax credit. 02/15/1969 1:07 Law - Iowa
41258 GOP misses filing deadline for two Polk posts. 04/15/1976 4A:1 Candidates, Political
41259 GOP officals see President Nixon as liked in South. 08/10/1970 15:01 Public Schools - Desegregation
41260 GOP official sees Dick Clemens aiding incumbent Democratic Sheriff W. T. Hi 08/17/1972 3:06 Candidates, Political